Service Still Sucks

Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 22:28:10 -0500
From: Lourdes Arenas <>
Subject: CompUSA

It seems that CompUSA is well know for their "sell now, send you to blazes policy" all over the States.  I purchased a Sony Vaio "cutting edge" PV120 with all all kinds of programs at the cost of over three thousand dollars.  The Sony computer is an amazing machinery ... I have NO complaints with the Sony corporation or the computer, however, the 3 year warranty purchased from CompUSA was an absolute piece of ______  [you fill in the blanks!]  A year after the computer was purchased, the modem was fried during a severe thunderstorm, the kind that surges suddenly in Florida.  At the time I was working on gathering information for term paper bibliographies from Internet for my 8th graders. A tremendous blast of lightning surged and wrenched me from the Internet connection.  After the storm I tried to log back on, however, the modem was damaged so it wa impossible to og on.  I called CompUsa.  I gave them the policy number and they suggested that I bring in the computer for analysis.  I said under NO circumstance would I bring in the computer because I had purchased a 3 year "at site" warranty which entitled me to technical assistance at home. I was promised that the following day a tech would come to my home to fix the modem.  Well, the so called tech showed up but after spending close to four hours "piddling" with the computer; he finally admitted that he had NO idea how to fix the modem.  The following day another tech showed up and the same process ensued.  The third technician not only could not fix the modem, he tried his hand at proselytizing and invited us to accompany his wife and him to their church. Needless to say that by now my patience had worn out ...  I very politely [I tried....] told him to get lost....then called CompUSA and threatened to issue a legal letter from my lawyer.  They sent another tech to replace the original modem, however, the replacement was of low quality, and I refused to have the replacement installed. He had to return to the store and bring the equivalent of the original one.  After a day of constant hassling back and forth the new modem was installed..... BUT in the installing the tech erased files from the Sony system folder and in doing so he damaged the files of  the scanner driver.  Soooo.... the modem problem was solved, but the scanner now refused to work!  My exhausted patience got the best of me, and I went to the store....for the sole purpose of making a scene.. and I did!  :) The customers who heard me were VERY interested in what I had to say to shut me up they herded me into the main office and offered me the moon and the stars ....  and their VERY expert tech to come to my home and do what had to be done to get the computer back in working order JUST as it was before the last tech got his grubby hands on it.   The computer has worked admirably well since then.   I plan to buy another computer [ since am contemplating retirement to go into business with oldest son ] so my husband will inherit my Sony  and I will   NOT go to CompUSA for another computer, instead am going to purchase it through the Internet from Dell.