From: "" <>
Lawrence Landskroner
[Never got an answer to this letter !] Mr Tony Weiss /Bob Sayewitz
VP s
Dear Sirs, Sunday, March 26, 2000 I am about to relate a set of facts, which really should be investigated by the executive department of your company. I attempted to order a Model PCG-XG19 Sony notebook computer the price agreed-upon was $3622 I also ordered the computer case price $79. The logical history of the negotiation phone calls and other matters are set out below in reverse chronological order (dated). Please forward this letter to Mr Bob Saywitzs. I would normally order items from the CompUSA store in Cleveland (Beachwood) OH on Chagrin Boulevard but found out that because of procedural changes with your company I would have to order directly from Texas which I did. You can understand how upset I must be to have to sit down and write this long letter describing the Cavalier, uncaring, insulting, and consistently false statements made to me by this employee in dealing with this transaction. In essence this person is an untruthful, calculatedly misrepresenting and arrogant individual who really should not be a representative of your company much less some kind of supervisor. I have been dealing with your company for many years in satisfactory way. Never had a problem of this kind before. In essence I ordered this Sony computer {Model PCG-XG19Notebook} at the end of February I was told by Donel the delivery would be made on to March fourth each time I would call thereafter I was told that the delivery would not be consummated because of a credit card problem or some other excuse, and after that I was told that the item was not in stock on at least four occasions after McDonel told me that he had the item in stock and he couldn't understand why it was not delivered he further said that he would check into the matter call back, which he did the first or second time then thereafter would not accept any of my phone calls unless I could contact him in a indirect way . He also hung up several times or he told me that he was to busy to talk to me because he said was working on several million dollar orders and that when I did call thereafter he would tell people to tell me that he would call me back which he never did. Other excuses were, he was in a meeting, out to lunch etc. This general course of action continued up until the present-day in one form or another. He never told me or informed me it was impossible get this piece of equipment. It finally became embarrassing for me to call but I had a project with a timer deadline that I needed the computer for and he knew this. When he found out that I was inquiring about the order he would then he tell the person who answered to find who was calling, when he found out it was me [you can check this with people in his dept], he would then tell them to tell me that he would call me back. He would also hang up once he found out it was me after an occasional indirect call made to him, got through. The last call I made it was several days ago. The reason for the writing of this letter was that he finally told me then when I called, through a third party, that if the item was not delivered yet then I should cancel the order and get the laptop someplace else this was after stringing me along for most of the month of March. Some of my personal notes reflect the following; 3/24/00 12:42p I'd call to their corporate offices CompUSA their executive offices phone number was 972 982 4000 told if I had a problem call the Riverbend facility phone number there is 1214252-6560 the vice president charge of government sales is named Bob Saywitzs and his secretary is named Chirisa Sossa Dennis Donel s Number is extension 37144 in Govt sales for Ohio have been talking with this Dennis Donel, who has been making consistent misrepresentations and untruths to me. Some of the people I have talked to other than him are Brian, and others stated below. Donel said the problem in the end for the failure of Delivery was my credit card financing which was defective because the delivery address differed from the billing address and said this was something I would have to correct! I called on my Visa card company they said they never denied credit for this reason or any other contrary to what Dennis said to me. I found out later from another employee that this was something that it was apparently done in-house as it was the company policy and that notwithstanding with this Dennis said to me it would have to be corrected by Dennis at CompUSA has this was something that was his responsibility and had nothing to do with any credit problem that I had with my Visa card they said that my credit was and still is okay 3/22/00 6:54p talked to Brian at comp usa 3/10/00 1:28p called for information about why the delivery did not occur on the fourth as they promised never get a straight answer from Dennis 3/2/00 12:04p Dennis Donel Comp usa Corp Sales Texas McDonel COMPUTERS Comp USA Texas Tel: 1-800- 834-7328-37144 # Dennis Mc Donel 1-800-219-2782 direct line Put the order in with Dennis McDonel at the end of the month [Feb] for delivery on March 4 2000. Of a Sony Model PCG-XG19 Laptop with case 2/11/00 10:39a called 1-800-345-6265 (or 1-800 8 direct Patricia ext. 36240 1-800-734-7328 Dave Franz Ex 37118 long distance 8884219003 1/24/00 2:59p called for the data called and asked for Jay Roney 1-800- 345-6265 Jay Roney 1-800-8347328 ext 61383 Ed Dutchman 1-888-586-8117 Talked to one 1-214-252-8805 2/5/99 12:28p called comp USA I'd like to know particularly what you intend to about this employee and his actions, if anything, and further if the entire series of transactions that occurred were a string of falsehoods on his part. I would not allow any one to work for us as a representative of our facility who manifested this type of deviant behavior. Did you ever have this piece of equipment in stock? Please let me know what the true story is about his actions what remedial measures you will take, to maintain your company integrity, and if I have to, purchase the laptop somewhere else. Sincerely Lawrence Landskroner PS Your in house order number was 55575 |