This morning was the last time I will ever shop at CompUSA. I went into their White Plains, NY store looking to buy a Brother printer for my Apple. I knew exactly which model I wanted to buy, didn't need to ask any questions, just needed someone to help me get it out of their back room so I could pay for it and leave. Well, there were about six or seven salesmen standing around with blank stares on their faces, and not one of them offered to help me. When I approached one and told him what I wanted to purchase, he said, "You'll have to talk to the 'Apple Guy'," an pointed to a another salesman across the store helping some idiot-first-time-PC-buyers. I told him I didn't need to ask any questions, I just needed to buy it. He said, "Talk to the Apple Guy," and turned around to chat with his stoner buddy who also happened to work there. So I go over
to the 'Apple Guy' and wait patiently for fifteen minutes while he answers
inane questions for the couple looking at PC's. Eventually they wander
of, and I ask him about buyinh the printer. He says he's busy with these
two idiots (my words, not his). I politely remind him that since
This is only the last incident in a string of bad customer service encounters I've had at the White Plains Store in dealing with Apple AND PC related concerns. I went home, ordered the same printer online at MacMall and will get it Fedexed to my home by tomorrow while saving about $25, in the process. I don't see why I go outside anymore to do my shopping! Paul Sinclaire