CompUSA's Effect On Customer's Blood Pressure No Joke!

From: Greg Crow <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: CompUSA are Pigs From Hell
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 16:02:51 -0700 

In September of 1998 I went to the COMPUSA store in Concord, CA, and placed an order for a custom-built 'COMPUSA American Pro'.  I paid for it and was assured that I would be getting delivery of the machine in5 to 7 working days.  This was the start of an astonishing education journey.

Two weeks later, no computer, no calls, no nothing.  But my payment had been processed. I called the service reps, who said they would look into it.  To shorten the tale, it took two entire months of phone calls to every possible person in the CompUSA organization, angry letters, then threatening letters and on and on.  I got excuses about hurricanes, lost shipments, no record of my order and a number of other creative tales.

I finally got the telephone number of the company's VP, called him up and basically reamed him over the phone.  Five days after that, my machine magically appeared on my doorstep.  And I had to be hospitalized, as my blood pressure had soared to new heights over this stupidity.

Since then I have still had nothing but trouble.  The bios chip died. The hard drive died. The machine drops whole chunks of software and then locks up.  Right at this moment I am waiting for the CompUSA tech to come back and put my old hard drive back in, as the new one can't be formatted correctly.  Evidently the emergency boot disc is faulty.  As I suprised?

Never again.  No one should ever buy a computer from these Pigs from Hell.