Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2001 16:51:22 EDT Subject: An Ex-CompUSA Manager gets even!! To: For all of you who have gotten screwed, you'll appreciate this. I was a Manager at the CompUSA Parsippany NJ store as a college student. There's lesson number one, CompUSA is so desperate for good people that a f/t college student can become a Retail Manager. I was forced out by the General Manager for whistle blowing... why? Here we go: Sales reps were not allowed to work more than 40 hours a week. If anyone worked imore than 40, they would shave the time off the timecards. If they WANTED someone to work more than 40 in a week, they would offer a spiff (bonus) to the person in place of hours. For those who don't realize it, both of these things, avoiding paying overtime, are illegal. I refused to shave timecards so someone else did it. Someone wrote about Apple problems, its funny he mentions that. Some manufacturers will only accept returns of PC's from a store if theyre outright defective. When you a buy a computer and hate it, if you return it and it works, theyre stuck with it, hence the restocking fees, and mistakenly being resold to people (yeah right) Parsippany store had an easy solution to THAT problem! A stungun stored in the upper left drawer of the warehouse that could be used to shock a machines motherboard and render it defective. I saw that done a few times. It was also a time of high shrinkage, lots of stuff being stolen. The schmuck GM ordered the front doors to be locked whenever the store was opened or closed, the lame security guard had to let you in or out. I advised the GM that it was against fire code to lock people in a building, especially to have a double side keylock without egress ( im a volunteer fireman ). The door has to have a latch that can be opened from the inside in case of fire. He responded by yelling at me with expletives. The store brought in a new company to clean the store in the morning, and one of the things they would do is fire up a floor cleaner using propane instead of electric, which would spit Carbon Monoxide everywhere making the air unbreathable. I was told to mind my own business. So.. I got fed up of fighting with this moron and decided to take action. First unbeknownst to this GM I called the town fire inspector, who coincidentally caught the GM with his pants down... He showed up early in the morning to find that front store door locked while the security guard holding the key was in the bathroom. The GM was given until the end of the day to remove the lock from the door or risk a citation and possible closure of the building. The GM complied after yelling again, but it didnt end there. The Inspector decided to check the whole building and found stock in the electrical area, stock to high and close to the ceilings, blocked emergency exits. I heard rumor that the GM was fined $1,500 total for violations after four visits. See... whenever a store is fined, the GM Is held responsible and it is deducted from his annual bonus. Just when he thought it was over, next came Weights and Measures into his ineptly price tagged store. His battle with them to straighten the store out is rumored to have cost thousands from his bonus (I heard over 5G's) and several weeks of aggravation. When that was all over, OSHA received a complaint about that propane powered floor cleaner. My coup d' etat was going to be my complaint with the Department of Labor over the shaving of hours, which as it turned out affected me as well. I didnt follow through with that because I got recruited by a very good company and didnt want to bother with all this. I could not recoup damages because I moved on to a better paying job hence couldnt prove hardship. Some years later, I purchased a laptop with a nick in the screen and they tried to pull that restock fee BS on me. After getting tired of fighting with the adolescent lower store Managers, I got the Tech Services Manager out there, who was all attitude until I let him know I knew about their server hard drive filled with porn DL'd from customers machines, and that tazer gun they use to defect returned PC's. My purchase was taken back without a problem. My advice to people out there
is always threaten to take it higher when they give you crap. Call
Corporate and heckle the presidents office, they give in and take stuff
back just to get rid of you usually. If that doesnt work, call your
Consumer Affairs office, theyre pretty responsive about retail stores screwing
people. When all else fails, take a walk down the aisles and make
sure that like most of their stores, stuff is missing prices, and then
complain to your states Weights and Measures bureau, its the worst thing
you can do to a stores Management.