I made the mistake of going the cheap route and bought a Compusa Pentium II 6Gbyte computer in January to replace my 486 system. Since then the system has been very unstable, locking up several times a day and getting download errors when trying to load something from CD rom. I bought
the EXTENDED SERVICE CONTRACT. One month and two days after I bought it,
after a lock-up, SCANDISK did a dreaded rearrangement of my files
which trashed the software. When I took my computer back to the store (36
miles roundtrip) I discovered that SOFTWARE RELOADS ARE NOT COVERED UNDER
The computer is still flakey, but I have Norton SystemWorks installed and the re-starts are less disasterous. I'm waiting for something in the hardware to go up in smoke so I can finally get this thing fixed or get rid of it. Ray |