Four days ago I bought a "Virtually Indestructible Keyboard" from Comp USA. Within a day, the N and B key didn't work and the silicon keyboard had bubbled. I had already discarded the packaging, but I thought because I have purchased several thousand dollars in hardware, peripherals and software from the Murray, Utah location over the years, management would forgive the missing packaging and issue me a refund (minus 15%). When I explained my dilemma to the sales manager and asked for a refund, he coolly told me he would not issue a refund, but would only offer an exact product exchange. I gave him the benefit-of-the-doubt and acknowledged to him that his hands were probably tied. He responded, "No, my hands aren't tied...I'm just not going to do it." He then excused himself in the most obtuse manner, turned his back and shuffled into an adjacent room while one of the cashiers looked on. Stricken with utter dismay, I handed the defective keyboard to the cashier, offered it as a gift, and told her I wouldn't be back. I have been a salesman for ten
years and have broken the rules for a customer EVERY TIME a situation presents
itself that jeopardizes the customer's continued patronage. This is called
"Customer Service" -- something sales management at the Murray, Utah Comp
USA knows nothing about. I also recommend to Comp USA, after being bowled-over
by the sales manager's outrageous comment, that the Company pursues a different
method of employee recruitment.