I too have troubles with Comp Usa

From: "masa26_73" <masa26_73@netzero.net>
To: <CyberPagan@OutoftheDark.com>
Subject: I too have troubles with Comp Usa
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 23:07:00 -0800

I bought a brand new system with a cod burner and the burner does not work.. Took it back they said it worked fine for them and I told them to that it would not make a music cd so they said they'd give me a brand new one. Weeks later i finally get my supposly new one and the burner still does not work. They never return my calls i finally get to talk to someone and they hang up on me so basically im out a thousand bucks.  I hope they burn for what they do....
 Signed scoorned