I too spent thousands $$$ at
Comp USA
From: "Kenneth
Wohlers" <harryfrigg@cox.net>
To: <CyberPagan@OutoftheDark.com>
Subject: Comp USA
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 14:39:28 -0500
I too spent thousands $$$ at Comp USA. In fact, 95% of my
purchases for scanning, software and the latest Epson printer (2200)
was only a small purchase of my totals. I found, much to my
dismay, that Epson printers will print only on Epson papers. I
have an unopened package of Kodak's best (75 sheets of their best photo
quality.) I assumed that I purchased this from Comp USA as I
usually do with my software and hardware. Well guess what?
Comp USA carries only the 50 pack so for 40 minutes I waited until they
discovered that they never carried a 75 pack. Now....looking up
my records they could tell that I spent megabucks with their
organization. Do you think that they would trade or even make me
an offer for the new package of 75. Not on your life. I
told them my trade days with them were over...for good. Not even
a thanks for your previous business or we will give you a credit for
the price of a 50 pack. I left their store a very unhappy
man. Now, I need to get in touch with their sales manager and see
if he/she wants to accomodate me....which I doubt. It must be
nice to have so much business that you do not need to retain a
customer. My word of mouth is going to have an affect.
Sorry to trouble you but I had to go somewhere with this story.
Thanks for listening.