Compusa TAP Horror Story
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Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 17:49:47 EDT
Subject: Compusa TAP Horror Story
I'm a special needs student at a high school in upstate new york.
I use my laptop everyday for classnotes and homework, so as you can
imagine, i need a computer to umm. . . LIVE. So i went to compusa and
bought a HP Pavilion zt 1250 notebook computer. The sales rep
suckered me into a 500 TAP plan which was ok for the first year,
because I used HP service. But when that expired, i learned that
Compusa service sucked. I will admit that my computer most likely gets
more use than the average PC, but I am careful. Now some of the
problems were handeled promptly. but most of them were
useless. Sometimes they didn't even fix what i needed them to
fix. and they started to take my parts out of my computer and put
USED parts in their places without documenting that. I brought in
my notebook pc on March 20th, 2004 because the backlight inverter died,
the microphone didn't work and the display had dead pixels in it.
19 days later, i recieved the unit back. the screen was not replaced,
but everything else was. The problem that i have with the service
is that it took nearly 20 days to fix it. 12 of these were
business days, in which i had no computer for school and could not do
much of anything for school. My parents even explained my case to
them and they still didn't do anything. Then two weeks later,
while closing my notebook, the backlight didn't turn back on, even when
i brought it back up from standby. 3 days later they gave it back
to me, but they didn't do much of anything, because it had the same
problem. Worst of all, the unit was physically bent by
compusa!!!! Someone please tell me how they were able to screw me out
of $500dollars and took advantage of a high school student that needs
the notebook to function!!!!
<If anyone can get me any help from COMPUSA or anyone else, please
email me at> <I'm also open to any good abuse
stories on compusa's part>