Bad Business

From: " " <>
Subject: Bad Business
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 12:15:33 -0500

To Those Burnt:
I don't know what's worse the Compaq computer or their technicians.
After purchase the computer operates fine but over time "everything" begins to fall apart little by little till nothing works together and worse on their own blaming everything on software!
They have you make changes over and over "rewriting everything" closing this , closing that and shut down the computer losing files in the process and yet cant figure out why even they cant resolve the simplest problems again blaiming everything on software when it is they who makes things worse by playing "god" with your computer.

Ill just say that when the technician fails to make note of the facts and instead writes down helping to "fix" the complaint it becomes impossible for the next technician to pick where the last left off failing completely in the process!  

At first I was enjoying learning about and using my computer but after a while they convinced me that I was to blame when every one who looked at this thing said to take it back.
Now I know more about problems on the computer and getting around them than using the computer it' self.
Technical deception?
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