Damark Does It Again, and Agan, and Again...

Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 22:07:23 -0500
From: Joyce Chambers <leah@midmo.net>
To: CyberPagan@OutoftheDark.com
Subject: Damark Scam

On May 4, 2000, I called my Mastercard 800 number to check on my account balance. I have not used my card in several months, hoping to pay my balance down. Since my card only has a $2,000 limit, I knew appoximately what it should be. To my surprise, it was over $200 dollars more than the previous balance! I got on the online account service my card offers and found that on 4/26/00 and 4/28/00 two charges had been made to my account from DAMARK for services called "Buyer's Guard" and "Insiders". 

When I ordered from DAMARK last year, I agreed to try their Buyer's Club for the 30 day trial period, but called their 800 number one week after receiving the information packet and cancelled...or so I thought. When I spoke with one of DAMARK'S representatives about an hour ago, she stated that they had no record of my cancellation (big surprise!) but that she would cancel it immediately and credit my Mastercard account with the charges. When I asked her how long it would take for the charges to show up on my card, she stated "at least two billing cycles". I also told her that this better not happen again and she assured me it wouldn't. We'll
see. The problem I have with that is my AT&T Mastercard charges a $25 "over-limit" fee plus you are expected to pay whatever amount caused the over limit balance which in my case comes to about $150, and they want it RIGHT NOW. I have sent an email to Mastercard to explain the
circumstances of the unauthorized charge, and hope they have received enough of these complaints about DAMARK to beleive me. Thanks for letting me "vent". 

On May 6, Damark credited my account with about $150, but  they still owe me over $60! From what I've read, I may never get it ALL back. I think something should definitely be done! Bless you for listening! Also, I would be very interested in joining the "scam" group.
Joyce Chambers