Off In 1999 And Again In 2000
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 08:12:18
From: Greg DeDera <>
Subject: Ripped off in 1999
and again in 2000
Back in March of 1999 we were
ripped off for $54.99. I wrote a letter to Damark (see below).
That hasn't stopped the telemarketers from call though. Then I received
bill on card for 104.99. I finally got through and claim we signed
up DMK*BUYERS GUARD package. We didn't and we've
never received anything from
them on this package. I finally settled for having her cancel the
package and I'll be credited $88.75. That nets them a tidy $16.44
for a few minutes of work. I call this fraud and stealing!
They just reach in and take whenever they feel like it.
I thought there were laws against
this. I'm following up on this with a couple of agencies. I'll
keep you posted on how things progress.
9 May 1999
Dear Customer Service,
On March 12 I was billed $54.99
for a "DMK Great Deal Pack" on my Discover card without my
approval. I've tried
off and on for over a month (since I rcvd my statement) to resolve
this via the 1-800-597-1001
phone number ref. on my bill. The number kindly tells me how
busy Damark is and hangs up
on me. I find this practice very rude!
After a couple of weeks this
statement and the issue got buried on desk until I got your
latest catalog with a product
I would like. Then I remembered about the billing error.
What a scam! Falsely
bill people's credit cards and don't give them an avenue to
resolve it and hope the threshold
of pain hasn't been exceeded and rip them off for $54.99!
Just for future record... my
threshold of pain is .99 cents.
I demand my $54.99 immediately.
I demand that I be removed from any and all of your
mailing lists, telemarketer
lists and any other lists you might have with our name on it.
I no longer wish to do business
with a company that conducts itself the way yours seems to.
Thank you for years of great
service, products and prices.
No thanks for the recent barrage
of Damark telemarketers with useless "Packages" for us and false billings.
You did a great job of ruining a good thing.
Greg DeDera