These Jerks Should Be Sued

From: "Greg Lombardo" <>
To: <>
Subject: Damark - Scam artist
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 17:11:15 -0800

I could not believe my eyes when I saw your website.  I also was scammed by Damark, who charged one of my credit cards that they no longer were authorized to use for their "Buyer club membership".  I however, through my credit card bank was able to get a full refund, but not before they tried to rip me off with a prorate.  They even tried to blame my bank for a late billing.  What they did was wait until three months after my so called membership was to begin before they charged my account....then said I was only due a partial refund, a deliberate ploy to intimidate you to join their "buyers club or you would lose money through proration.  And to top it off, during this time that I was a so called member of their buyer's club, I never received a single catalogue from them.  Thanks for your website.  These jerks should be sued with a class action lawsuit to recover all the money they have ripped off from us consumers along with punitive damages.       Greg Lombardo, Las Vegas, Nv