Doesn't Have A Phone?
From: "nathan williams" <natejwilliams@home.com>
To: <CyberPagan@OutoftheDark.com>
Cc: <johnculhane@home.com>
Subject: Damark complaint
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 22:58:41
Hello... several years ago my
mom called me about something she had purchased through Damark (a down
comforter), it sounded interesting so I had her order the item for me and
gave her my credit card # to use since I was purchasing it... (it turned
out to be duck down which wouldn't have been too bad had they bothered
to pluck the feathers off the duck instead of including the whole thing
but I ate well for a while and slept lousy as they made quite a racket...
I am, of course, being facetious but I'm ticked! -oops pun intended)
This year I noticed a charge
to my account for $89 from DMK.. I called and found out it was for her
"membership" fee but she had since canceled her credit card and so they
found the next available #... mine... I asked for a refund and received
a partial refund but was told I had to pay the "pro-rata" share since I
could have used the services from the time they charged my account until
the time I told them to take it off.
When I called about the partial
credit they told me the did not have the ability on their computers to
refund the pro-rata share from my credit card... but would send me a form
as the "head" office had that mysterious and awesome power. Naturally I
wanted to call the home office (there really must be aliens on our planet
from the Damark Galaxy) but they wouldn't give me the telephone number
as they didn't have a number they could only contact their home office
through their internal intranet.... but assured me they would mail
the complaint form to get the partial credit...
Of course that was a couple
weeks ago so I filed a complaint here in Washington with the Atty General's
consumer complaint division... then decided to look Damark up on the internet
and found your sight... Thank-you for letting me vent. I will contact the
consumer complaint division and give them the additional info. regarding
the litigation MN and WI have against Damark for their illegal charging
of people's credit card accounts...
Now I am wondering if they
charged me last year and I just wasn't paying attention... First and foremost
it is illegal to charge someone and they must know that because when you
call you get an option in the phone maze for "if you have been charged
for a membership fee that you shouldn't have" they don't tell you
it's not for the total amount. Even if they refund they make $ on
the interest...
last... yeah right.. the home
office doesn't have a telephone? Apparently they're still using telegraph
(purchased through Damark ironically enough which explains why it doesn't
work)... and the computers in the billing dept. can only credit
the account for up to the pro-rata share... again a Damark computer...
the whole thing is a big rip-off scheme and I wonder how many other people
get charged and either don't catch it or catch it and get part of the bill
credited and figure they'll just pay the smaller pro-rata share and call
it good... what a rip
In the meantime I have called
my bank to have them take the pro-rata share off and charge it back to
the company and I just got to their web site via your link and sent an
e-mail complaint....
-Nathan Williams