From: Greg White <>
To: "''" <> Subject: RE: Pagenet Warning - Acct. 065-301088 Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 20:33:11 -0600 Ms. Ashby, This was forwarded to me, as
I am a manager in the department that works all of our email correspondence.
Let me first sincerely apologize for the frustration you have experienced
due to this continued billing issue. I don't blame you for your reactions
and your comments, as this would
I can only attribute this to error on our part, as it looks as though those that you dealt with did not fully follow through on closing out your account. This also may have been due to the many changes in our billing system that have taken place over the past year, but rather than offer excuses, I have made sure that your account has been closed completely and that there is no balance due. I have thoroughly checked the account to make sure that there will be no further bills sent requesting payment. You may receive one more bill simply notifying you of the credits that have been applied to the account to bring it to the zero balance, but that would be the last of them for good. Again, I apologize for the trouble you have experienced with us. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this issue, please feel free to contact me directly. Your account has been canceled and there is no balance due. Greg White
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 11:40:24
Greetings Mr. White, Thank you for responding to my complaint. I accept that you intend to cancel my account and prevent any further billing. Whether or not you are able to do this remains to be seen. It has been a year since I last received a statement, then they just started up again for no apparent reason. How can you prevent this from reoccurring if you do not know how it happened the first time? I do thank you for giving your attention to the matter. I will post your reply on our website if you like? Blessings,
From: <>
Thank you for your response, I guess my explanation was a bit unclear. I do know why the billing began again after your account was closed. The account was never deactivated fully by whoever received the cancellation notice from you. They did sort of a "shortcut" in our old billing process that stopped the bills from coming to you, but didn't actually clean the account fully from our system. Once we converted to our new billing system, it detected the account information and began sending bills again. This should have been cleaned prior to the conversion of the systems, which would have avoided the statements coming to you again. (I hope that makes a bit more sense). I have cleaned your account's balance from the new system, and it now shows as completely inactive - it doesn't even have record of a pager ever being on the account anymore, just to be extra sure. I guess if you would like to
post my responses on your website, that's up to you. Hopefully it
would shine a bit of a better light on how PageNet is taking care of any
issues that arise now. We have gone through a major restructuring
this past year and many things have changed completely. We
Anyway, I hope this at least gives you the peace of mind that this ordeal is over. I don't blame you if you're skeptical, that would be natural considering the circumstances, but we have taken care of everything and you should hear nothing more from us regarding this in the future. And, yet again, I apologize for the frustration and trouble it caused you. Greg White