Fall Gathering of the Tribes
New Quarter
October 23 - 26, 1997
Leave your mundane worries at the gate, get your home away from home set up, and settle in for an enjoyable weekend of Pagan Networking, Knowledge Exchange, and Fun.
The natural setting of New Quarter Park in historic Yorktown is rich with historical and new times energies that allow us to renew our connection with the Mother, and to look into our future to see the changes we are creating right now!
The Gathering is growing by leaps and bounds!
This tremendous upswell of interest in Pagan, Wiccan, and other "Magical" Traditions is not just a local phenomenon, it is a National, even International wonder to behold! We are proud to be a part of it!
Our increase in numbers does mean that we can invite nationally known Pagan Authors, Artists, and Activists to share their visions and experiences with us, and we have done exactly that!
be the guest speaker for the Fall Gathering of the Tribes.
Robin Wood is the creator
of the Robin Wood Tarot. Robin's work as an artist and author has taken
her to the level of being a common household name in most pagan communities.
Robin is warm, witty, charming, shy, and gregarious. She makes you laugh;
she makes you smile; she makes you think and move into a very special place
inside yourself as you follow her tutorage in the lessons of Tarot and
the Wiccan Path. We are delighted that Robin is joining us as the guest
of honor at the gathering!
be the guest entertainment at the Fall Gathering of the Tribes
KIVA is a percussive, upbeat, Celtic style worldbeat folk ensemble that celebrates the magic of nature and ancient spiritual traditions with music that opens the heart and heals the spirit. The band blends strong vocal harmonies with rich and diverse folk style instrumentation, performing originals, traditionals and covers. The musicians are inspired by many cultures, spiritual disciplines, and musical styles, including Celtic-folk, folk-rock, blues, big band, traditional chants, and jazz. KIVA is based in the Washington DC metro area, and has been nominated twice (so far) for the Washington Area Music (Whammie) Award.
at the Forest Inn, Volume 1 -- KIVA (1997)
Other workshops will be available at the Fall Gathering of the Tribes
In response to increased numbers we have had to institute a few new safety polices (never fun, but necessary ) and burden you with sheet after sheet of dead tree to scribble on (even less fun, but more necessary ). These , and other organizational hoo haa are the price of growth. Please know that it is our intention to keep these patriarchal intrusions to an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM. Your patience and understanding is appreciated!
Your opinions and ideas are important to us!! It is how we chose this event’s path...
PLEASE take the time to give us your comments ( I know, I know, more dead tree; Last One!!) regarding this Fall’s Gathering, as well as your feelings on where we should concentrate future efforts. Thank You.
or write:
of the Tribes/ FCMS, inc.
Randolph Road
News, VA 23601