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Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 23:13:22 -0500
To:  <snip>
From: Guardian <guardian@infi.net>
Subject: Fall Gathering of the Tribes
X-UIDL: 04cea91af5

You are cordially invited to attend 

The Fall Gathering of the Tribes
October 23 - 26, 1997
New Quarter Park
Yorktown, VA


Robin Wood

Robin Wood is the creator of the Robin Wood Tarot. Robin's work as an artist and author has made hers a household name in most pagan communities. Robin illustrated Anne McCaffrey's book, People of Pern, creating dynamic portraits of almost every character in the Pern series. Robin is warm, witty, charming, and gregarious.  She makes you laugh; she makes you smile;
she makes you think and move into a very special place inside yourself as you follow her tutelage in the lessons of the Tarot and the Wiccan Path. Whether its a magazine cover, a game card, a workshop or an original oil, her work is truly inspiring and Magical.  We are deeply honored to have her as our Guest of Honor at the Fall 1997 Gathering of the Tribes.
Be sure to visit Robin's Web Page

 is a percussive, upbeat, Celtic style world beat folk ensemble that celebrates the magic of nature and ancient spiritual traditions with music that opens the heart and heals the spirit. The band blends strong vocal harmonies with rich and diverse folk style instrumentation, performing originals, traditionals and covers. The musicians are inspired by many cultures, spiritual disciplines, and musical styles, including Celtic-folk, folk-rock, blues, big band, traditional chants, and jazz. KIVA is based in the Washington DC metro area, and has been nominated twice (so far)  for the Washington Area Music (Whammie) Award. 
KIVA has produced a variety of tapes and CD's over the years. 
    Live at the Forest Inn, Volume 1 -- KIVA's new live album, containing live versions of old
    favorites and previously unrecorded songs. 
    Finding the Balance Within -- KIVA's most passionate album yet, with a wonderful 
    collection of new songs. 
    Mother Wisdom -- a collection of sacred chants from around the world. 
    Alchemy -- showcases the individual styles and songs of members of KIVA. 
    Renewal -- chants and songs of nature, mythology, and many spiritual traditions.
    The Healing Art -- KIVA's first album; seasonal and peaceful original folk songs  that 
    move into danceable  original music.

Some of the other workshops and events offered throughout the weekend

 The Tarot Casters - Kirk McLaren (Amulets by Merlin ) 
The Introduction to the Tarot Casters is a favorite workshop among festival goers. Kirk's system is based upon small sculptures of  the Major Arcana that can be tossed like stones and read as they fall.  This new approach to the Tarot frees the reader from the old layouts and enables the intuitive muscles to work in new ways.  Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional, you may find this a great joy!

 Smudge, Center, and Ground! - Judy Fix
Whether you are new to the Craft, or an experienced practitioner, Judy's workshop has something to offer you.  She offers the serious foundation principles necessary to any working in a manner that encourages us not to ever take ourselves TO seriously.
 Pagan Family Growth Workshop - Robin Webster 
This is an introduction to an ongoing child rearing program for Pagan / Wiccian community.  For those of us wishing to raise our children in the Pagan / Wiccian Faith, this is an exculant opportunity to discuss doing so with others "of a like mind".

 Celtic Hair braiding - Donna Snyder
Donna is back to once again make us feel pretty!  Standard, French, Medieval, and Celtic braiding will be demonstrated as well as how to incorporate flowers, beads. ribbons. or cords into these styles.  Braids can be functional as well as festive!

 Main Ritual
The Group Ritual,  and various other functions throughout the  Gathering, are being performed by the South side and the Peninsula CUPPS.  The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans is formed for the purposes of enabling networking among Pagan identified UUs; providing outreach of Unitarian Universalism to the broader Pagan Community; providing educational materials on Paganism for Unitarian Universalist congregations and the general public; promoting Pagan and Jewish / Christian dialogue; encouraging the development of theological and liturgical materials based on earth and nature centered religious and spiritual perspectives; encouraging greater use of music, dance, visual arts, poetry, story, and creative ritual in Unitarian Universalist worship and celebration; providing support for Pagan identified UU religious professionals and ministerial students; and fostering healing relationships with our Mother the Earth and all her children.

 In addition, there is a definite possibility of a firm maybe of a limited number of Sweat Lodges being offered by Mountain Heart, a whole slew of activities being planned for the young'ins, a Great Big Bon Fire to sing, dance and drum around, other workshops like 101 Ways to Wear a Table Cloth, AIDS Awareness, Patern Beading,Aroma Magic, and who knows what else we come up with between now and then.

We hope you will choose to join us at the Gathering of the Tribes. We have planned an enjoyable weekend of Pagan Networking, Knowledge Exchange, Healing, and Fun. New Quarter Park in historic Yorktown is a beautiful oasis in our hectic metropolis. She is rich with historical and new times energies that allow us to renew our connection to our Creator.  The changing times are upon us, the people are finally looking for new solutions to some VERY old problems.  Interaction with those who share the same values, but choose different methods to put them into practice, is an absolutely necessity if
ALL are to heal.  The Gathering is a safe space in which that may happen. Yawl come now, ya hear?

The details:
For vendor, work share, pre registration or workshop applications write (please include a stamped, self addressed envelope) or call: 
Out of the Dark, Inc. 
9825 Jefferson Av.
Newport News, VA  23605
(757) 596-6220
or e mail guardian@infi.net
Gates open at 3 p.m. on Thursday, October 23, and close 6 p.m. 
Sunday October 26, 1997.
Everyone requesting admittance must fill out a membership form and sign a waiver.  A valid picture ID must be presented at the gate. 
All minors MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Membership in the Gathering is $20.00 in advance (deadline Sept. 20, 1997) $25.00 at the gate.  Children 15 and under are admitted free.
To pre register send a membership form (signed front and back ) and $20.00 to Out of the Dark, inc. for each person wishing admittance.
Feel free to make copies of the enclosed membership form. 
Pre registered members will still have to show a valid, picture ID at the gate, but you only have to get in the short, fast line, as opposed to the long, fill out the forms line. Include a stamped, self addressed envelope to receive registration conformation or bring your canceled check to the gate. 
DO NOT send cash through the mail.  Checks, Master card and Visa are accepted.  You may pre register in person at Out of the Dark, inc. Work share is available for those that cannot otherwise afford to attend.
Work share sign up deadline is Sept.. 20, 1997.
For further information contact Ann at      Out of the Dark, inc.
                                            9825 Jefferson Av.
 Visit our web site at:                     Newport News, VA  23605
 http://www.erols.com/guardian/             (757) 596-6220

Directions to New Quarter Park

>From I-64

Take exit 242 - B (Yorktown -Colonial Parkway - Water Country, USA ) to Route 199.  Stay on Route 199 until the Colonial Parkway Intersection. Enter Colonial Parkway towards Williamsburg ( West ).  Exit off the Colonial Parkway at the Queens Lake Intersection.  Turn right onto West Queens Drive for about 200 feet.  Make an immediate left hand turn onto Lakeshead Drive ( first street on the left ) and follow this road until you reach the park entrance.

>From Route 143

At the Route 143  Penniman Road intersection, turn East ( Magruder Elementary School will be on the corner ) Turn  left at Hubbard Lane ( first street on your left ). After you go under an overpass, make an immediate right hand turn onto Lakeshead Drive and follow this road until you reach the park entrance.