From: Roberta Taylor Madison To: Pagan Resource Center <> Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 12:18 AM Subject: DEEP SOUTH GATHERING OF THE TRIBES Hi: At some time in the past year you requested information from YTT or one of our affiliated organizations, or someone sent us a note using your e-mail address, or you wanted to be on the Gathering of the Tribes mailing list. If this was not your intention, just return this announcement and type RETURN in the subject field. We are sending an announcement and we are trying to clean our address book. We all receive mail we don't want and did not request. We would like to help out by removing anyone who doesn't want to be there. Feel Free To Post This Notice Anywhere You Wish!!! SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!!! THIRTY FOURTH PAGAN GATHERING OF THE TRIBES 2002, TO BE HELD AT ETOWAH RIVER CAMPGROUNDS, DAHLONEGA, GEORGIA SEPT 19-22, 2002 You are cordially invited to the Fall Pagan Gathering of the Tribes 2002 to be held Sept. 19-22 at Etowah River campground about 70 minutes above Atlanta, Georgia. This DeepSouth Pagan Gathering is sponsored by the Coven and Grove of the Crystal Dragon of Georgia, Dynion Mwyn Grove of Wales, and The Southeastern Pagan Alliance (SEPA). You can get a 10% reduction in the cost of your admission by presenting this announcement at the gate or sending a copy with your registration. This year the Theme will be "All Traditions are Real" With that thought in mind. We are inviting representatives of all pagan traditions to come and set up a tent and table and let people know what your tradition is all about. You can do it by passing out brochures, having sit down conversations, demonstrating your dances, music, etc. All Traditions Are Welcome! You can obtain information about the Gathering at: You can get Registration Forms at: You can get an updated Gathering Schedule at: after April 15 You will love this campground!!!! Bordered on one side by the Etowah river, there is primitive camping as well as RV hookups, Bath house, showers, ice, etc. The Etowah river is famed for the gold that ammeters pull out of it every year. Leave your stress at home. Grab your tent, or camper, buy some food and a camp stove, and get your Pagan self on up here. Experience something rare: a wonderful pagan community that demonstrates love and trust (See 2001 Gathering write up at ) with Networking, Drumming, Music, Workshops, and a whole lot of Fun. The natural setting of the Etowah river is rich with ancient native american energies that will allow us to renew our connection with the Mother! (Go to see what participants of the 2001 gathering are saying about their experience) The Gathering of the Tribes growing by leaps and bounds! That is because there is a tremendous upsurge of interest in Pagan, Wiccan, and other "Magical" Traditions. This is an International wonder to behold and we are proud to be a part of it! To help you defray the cost of your attendance, if you can collect at least five registrations for the Gathering from your Coven, grove or Pagan Friends and send them to us with your signature on the top right hand corner, you will be given a free admission to the Gathering. Good Luck! SPONSORS: This year we have three sponsors. One from Wales, one from Georgia and one from the Deep South part of America. The Dynion Mwyn Grove is a member of the Association of Cymry Wiccae and is of the Welsh tradition of Witchcraft. Lady Delyth teaches classes in Northeast Wales, Cymru United Kingdom. Their homepage is at: e-mail: The second sponsor is the Coven of the Crystal Dragon. They are a member of the Welsh Tradition of Witchcraft which has several Covens throughout the US. Lady Cerridwen teaches Introductory and Advanced classes in Kennesaw Georgia, and YTT has a home study course available for those who cannot travel to Kennesaw. They also have several on-line study groups through Yahoo and a Homepage is at: e-mail: The South Eastern Pagan Alliance (SEPA) are Covens and Groves of Witches, Wiccans and Other Pagans who reside in the Southeastern Pagan Community and wish to work toward unifying behind common beliefs and solving common concerns of our community. Their Homepage is at: e-mail: SPECIAL GUESTS: Lady Cerridwen ab Gawr Lady Cerridwen is the mother of three children (and one husband). She has authored (with her husband) several metaphysical books including "Welsh Witchcraft and the ancient Word", "Thirteen Treasures of the Craft", and the "Welsh Triads" By the year 2,003 she and her husband hope to have a total of 40 books on the market. Lady Cerridwen has been involved in the Legal Profession for twenty years. She enjoys hobbies like Astrology and palmistry, and is presently looking for people interested in helping with a book on Southeastern US Sacred Sites. If you have information to share, see her this weekend. Lord Rhuddlwm Gawr Rhuddlwm Gawr is an author of over twenty books with such diverse titles as "the Quest", "The Way" and "Celtic Crystal Magick I & II. Rhuddlwm is also a Celtic and Reiki healer, Witch high priest and Elder, Mediator, and spiritual counselor. He is schooled in ancient Welsh magickal practices and modern behavior sciences, and has studied with native American medicine people as well as Welsh "shaman". He has a Ph.D. in Psychology, a D.D. in Theology, and a BLA in Environmental Design and Ecology. Rhuddlwm has been a lecturer at numerous conferences and has been published in several Pagan journals. Lady Delyth Lady Delyth lives in North Wales and is a member of Dynion Mwyn Grove which chartered Y Tylwyth Teg in the U.S. She is a student of Robert Martin who taught with Taliesin enion Vawr of Wales who was a teacher of the Gwyddon Welsh Witchcraft group in North Wales. Lord Athos & Lady Caru Lord Athos and Lady Caru are Fourth degree elders from from Y Tylwyth Teg's Florida Grove of the Faerie Dragon. Tamarac, Florida Coven and will teach a Workshop on various energy workings. Check back from time to time so that if there is a change, you will stay informed; The Grove of the Faery Dragon is a healing and teaching coven that is also involved in local Pagan Community activities. Lord Athos and Lady Caru will be discussing various energy workings and healing circles. For those who wish to experience the healing energy, Lord Athos and Lady Caru will be offering a healing circle. Lady Maeve Lady Maeve is a High Priestess and third degree initiate from Y Tylwyth Tullan (YTT Owl) of Cincinnati Ohio, a sister tradition to Y Tylwyth Teg and Dynion Mwyn. She is also an ordained minister of, and the secretary for, Green Dome Temple of Cincinnati. She has been involved with the Craft most of her life and has been involved with YTT (Owl) for over 7 years. This will be her fifth time attending the GOTT. She will be presenting workshops in Drumming and Tarot. She is also very knowledgeable in the arts of dancing, music, astrology, and palmistry. You have to come to hear her Drum and see her dance. Lady Eilonwy Lady Eilonwy is a Reiki master teacher and a Elder and High Priestess of the Welsh order of Y Tylwyth Teg as well as initiated into the Gardnerian tradition. She holds a D.D. from Bangor Institute and has studied with Master Teachers in aromatherapy and energetic essences. A lifelong student of natural healing and psychology, Lady Eilonwy is a mystic, a healer and a teacher. Lady Eilonwy will be offering workshops on Reiki 1,2,&3, Vibrational Essences and Pure Essential Oils. She will also be available for individual Reiki Attunements throughout the weekend for an additional fee. Lord Bleiddwn Lord Bleiddwn has studied with the famous Spiritual Teacher, Author and Tracker, Tom Brown who learned from native american teachers. Lord Bleiddwn is also a Geologist and has studied various martial arts. Bleiddwn will be teaching Shamanism I & II Victor Anderson Victor is a Wiccan High Priest, a Witch elder and an ordained minister currently residing in South Carolina. He was initiated in the Gardnerian tradition in 1980, and progressed to 3rd degree. He has since "gone eclectic" with a somewhat Celtic spin, and has been out of the broom closet almost from the beginning. Being a career soldier in the US Army, he has worked with many military chaplains in the states, Europe and Korea. A member of the Witches League For Public Awareness (WLPA), he has been involved for many years in raising public awareness of the Craft and fighting discrimination in the workplace. He has also helped to educate some along the way. He has worked as a solitary and in large covens. He says he prefers coven work and is an advocate of formal training for Witches. He is in the process of starting a new, Traditional Wicca coven in the Columbia, SC area. The classes he gave at gathering 2001 were: "Who are the Gods? How do you Worship them?" and "Wicca in the Workplace, the Military, and Other Sometimes Difficult Situations." We are very glad to have Victor return. Lord Senthor Lord Senthor and Moonstruck will be handling the music for the Gathering of the Tribes 2002. Their participation in the 2001 Gathering was much appreciated and greatly enjoyed!!! Lord Senthor's drum work is amazing. He plays a mean voodoo rhythm which has to be experienced. When Moonstruck started out playing music at Sabbats and different gatherings, there were very few songs dedicated to the God and Goddess, Father Sun and Mother Earth and the Nature Spirits. So they began writing and collecting songs. Their songs found a home in all earth religions and many of them became classics. Moonstruck's sound is more authentic than polished, deeply heartfelt and never formulaic. From their tuneful original compositions like "The Burning" and the title tracks, to the haunting chants derived from actual Pagan rituals, these albums provide an enjoyable glimpse into an alternative music scene that may possibly be new age's next big genre. >From a Review in New Age Voice Magazine Spirit Quest Spirit Quest is really a fine and exciting duo. They played at the 2001 gathering. Awesome is hardly the word to describe them. They will be playing at The Gathering 2002 and it looks like we are really going to have a wonderful atmosphere of Music. Spirit Quest is noted for their acoustic work. See Jeniphoria Jeniphoria couldn't make the 2001 Gathering but they have told us they will be here for 2002. They are an original pop/rock band that delivers provocative lyrics embodied by passionately driving music. They have been in existence for seven years now having played events such as the 2000 Marijuana March in Centennial Park and The Kudzu Festival opening for Three Dog Night and Lovin' Spoonful. Jeniphoria has not only played many of the local and regional clubs in Georgia, they have headlined venues like the Tabernacle. Jeniphoria was #2 in the favorite new artist poll in May of 2000. Jeniphoria has received airplay in Atlanta as well as Tulsa, Little Rock, Winnipeg, and Romania. WebPage at PURPOSE OF THE GATHERING: The Southeastern Pagan Alliance was formed for the purposes of enabling networking among Southeastern Pagans; providing outreach to the broader Pagan Community; providing educational materials on Paganism for Southeastern Pagan congregations and the general public; promoting Pagan and Christian dialogue; encouraging the development of theological and liturgical materials based on earth and nature centered religious and spiritual perspectives; encouraging greater use of music, dance, visual arts, poetry, story, and creative ritual in Pagan worship and celebration; providing support for identified Pagan religious professionals and ministerial students; and fostering healing relationships with our Mother the Earth and all her children. We will also be having an initiation ritual for several new seekers. SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT: We will be presenting an eclectic blend of modern and traditional Celtic music through various participants: Spirit Quest, Moonstruck, Jenephoria, and others.. There will also be a traditional Festival ritual Saturday, followed by a potluck dinner and a concert, as well as a Bonfire and drumming after the concert. We will drum and dance around the fire. There will be special children's activities throughout the event, and much, much more! REGISTRATION, RULES, REGULATIONS AND OTHER STUFF: The Gathering will open at 9 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 19, 2002 and close 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 22, 2002. Membership in the 2002 Fall Pagan Gathering of the Tribes costs $35.00 until June 1, 2002; $45.00 til Aug 1, 2002, and $55 thereafter, for adults. Children 16 and under are admitted free. Checks or Money Orders (until Sept. 1) are accepted in payment. Cash or money orders only at gate. Everyone requesting admittance must fill out a membership form and sign a waiver. A valid picture ID must be presented at the gate. All minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. All minors must have a membership form and waiver, signed by the parent or guardian. Everyone is requested to do a 2 hour workshift at some point during the event. This is the way we keep our costs down. Each member is asked to sign up for one 2 hour work shift in registration, information, set up, clean up, river watch, etc. Sign up sheets for the different work shift slots will be available at registration. Sign up early to get you favored time slot and area. Merchant space is free but Merchant space is limited to 30 vendors. The Pioneer Site is primitive. But, there is running, cold water and there is a Bathhouse with restrooms and showers (with hot water). But if you don't want to wait, bring your solar shower! There are also about a hundred RV hookups for those urban pagans out there. There may be a clothing optional area, contact us as we get closer to the festival date. Clothing will be required in all other areas of the campgrounds. We are in Georgia, use some common sense. Everyone is responsible for their own food, tents, trash collection, pets, children, attitudes and actions. For additional information contact: Fall Pagan Gathering of the Tribes 2002, a Deep South Gathering P.O. Box 674884 Marietta, GA 30006-0006 Phone: 770-516-8500 e-mail: or visit our web site at All written requests for information must include a stamped, self addressed envelope. Replies cannot be guaranteed without one. Long distance calls can only be returned collect. Organizers of the Gathering assume no responsibility for lost or misdirected mail. Do not send cash through the mail!!!!! If you wish to be removed from Southeastern Pagan Alliance Resource Center mailing list, e-mail and type "Remove" in the subject line. If you receive this message more than once, please let us know. Permission to re-post this mailing in it's entirety is granted. Please include all original signature information above with any re-posting. We invite you to come to our Gathering, join our community and share your talents and resources with others of a like mind. Thank you and Blessed be Thee, Lady Cerridwen |