To Join REST Answer the Following
Questions And Send Via Email To
The questions in red are mandatory. All other information is optional, but appreciated. You should always read a group's privacy statement before giving up any personal information on the net. Here Is Ours Name: Address: City or County: State: Zip code: Phone Number: Email address: Do you have any medical training? If so, what? Please describe
what type of accommodations can you offer someone in need of emergency
shelter. Please be specific... spare room, couch space, tenting,
Can you accommodate pets? Can you safely
harbor someone who is the target of violence due to their race, religion,
Do you have
any restrictions on the sex of the house guests you are willing to accept?
If you are not in the position to offer shelter, can you provide transportation or other emergency support in your area? Please answer
at least the questions in red and mail to