Merchant Registration

Merchant space is $50.00 and includes a 20 x 20 foot space and one membership.  Vendors needing additional booth space must make special arrangements in advance. Merchant space is limited to 25 vendors.

This form, along with the membership waiver must be filled out and signed by each merchant.  Thank you.

Business Name:____________________________________________________________

Owner’s Name:____________________________________________________________

Street Address:____________________________________________________________

City:_____________________________________ State:__________  Zip:_____________

Phone # (optional) _______________________________

E Mail Address (optional) __________________________________

Briefly describe the merchandise you sell:___________________________________________________

The fee for vending is $50.00. This includes one membership and one 20ft x 20ft merchant space ( personal camp space is included with membership )
Merchant space is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.
The sale of pornographic materials or sex toys is prohibited.
The merchant area is in an wooded area..  Merchants are responsible for providing their own shelter.
Merchants may not park their vehicles with their booths unless they are sleeping in them. 
Once a vehicle moves, it stays in the parking lot.
All merchants are responsible for collecting and reporting the appropriate sales tax on their merchandise.
All merchants are responsible for any damage done to the grounds by their equipment, vehicles, booths, etc.  If you dig a hole, please save the sod, and fill the hole before departing.  If the Gathering is charged for any damages clearly caused by the undersigned, the undersigned agrees to pay said charges.

Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date:_______________

Send to:

Gathering of the Tribes/ FCMS, inc.
c/o Out of the Dark, Inc.
7651 Whispering Pines Trail
Windsor, VA  23487
(757) 357-0664