card copyright Robin Wood
WARNING! This page contains information on WitchCraft,
Wicca, Pagan and other Earth Centered and Nature Based Religious Faiths.
Contents could be dangerous if ingested. Do not induce vomiting.
Contact your Creator immediately for treatment instructions.
Click on the keys at
the end of the story synopsis for more details!
American" Company Capitalizes on Fear and Pain!
Without a doubt, Spam is the Cyber
version of a cockroach!
September 12, 2001, barely 24
hours after America suffered the most
devastating terrorist attack
in history, I was spammed with an offer to sell me a "All Nations Dream
Catcher" from the "heart of Mt. Shasta." The spam read in part:
"In the aftermath of the so-called
"Attack on America," the All Nations
dream catcher would be a most
appropriate article for sale--it represents the ultimate peace symbol and
teaches the ways of peace.
click on All Nations.
Click the key for more info ......
Tidewater Indians Support
Fundie Persecution of Pagans
As some of you may have noticed
John "Grey Medicine Wolf" Wilde has been removed from our Gathering website.
We did this at his request and we think it is VERY important that the entire
Pagan Community know why.
For a few Gatherings now John
has been holding sweat lodges at the Gathering. He gives these sweat
lodges for free, and they have been VERY well received by Gathering attendees.
A couple of young men have described them as being "life changing".
One returning Gathering member told me he "has not touched drugs or alcohol
since he did a sweat at a prior Gathering". John is at our
Gatherings because he helps people, pure and simple. He takes absolutely
nothing for the work he does, in fact he would not even allow us to reimburse
him for blankets, special rocks, and other materials used in the sweats.
He considers those his "contribution" to the Community.
John has informed us that, due
to the publicity surrounding the Fundamentalist Christian's efforts to
drive us from Isle of Wight County,
he has been "sanctioned" by Tidewater Native American Support Group for
his appearance at the Gathering.
Click the key for more info ......
New Quarter Park Plans Policy
The York County Board of Supervisors
(BoS) intends to open New Quarter Park to general usage. They will not
allow any overnight camping as of June 2000. They will honor all
current contracts for the park but no future reservations will be accepted.
This decision comes as a devastating
blow to the Southern Virginia Pagan Community. New Quarter Park has
been home to area Pagan events for almost 20 years. Over the years
we have fought to keep the park from being turned into a marina and a golf
course. We have seen BoS members with grand plans for New Quarter
Park come and go. Unfortunately, this latest proposal
to open New Quarter park for general usage is much more difficult to oppose
than earlier plans that played to special interests.
Click the key for more info ......
The Death of a Duck
Witches Anti Discrimination League ) died a painful death on the
eve of Y2K. Steve Foster, President of WADL National announced that
as of January 1, 2000 WADL National would henceforth be known as AREN,
the Alternative Religious Education Network. After more than 30 years
as the premier voice for Pagan and Wiccan culture, WADL was no more.
A very sad day indeed.
Sadder still
is how our faithful little anti-discrimination duck met its demise.
The ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) killed it. Yup,
our poor little duck was shot down by another Religious Rights organization.
It seems that the ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) claims that
the name WADL {The Witches Anti Discrimination League ) infringes on their
trademark rights.
WADL was informed that they were trespassing on the ADL's intellectual
property and that WADL could face legal action if they didn't vacate.
Click the key for more info ......
"Why WADL like a duck when
you can fly like AREN"
"Why WADL like a duck when you
can fly like AREN?" is the tag line that has been appearing on the AREN
/WADL mailings since the name change and restructuring. In
addition to beating a dead duck, this signature file asks a very interesting
Why was WADL so successful in
bringing together a variety of different Pagan groups and organizations?
How did WADL succeed in creating a large network of Pagan activists, when
so many other organizations failed at the task?
What made WADL unique, and a viable
force in the community was the way it was organized. There was no
central authority, per say. Each WADL chapter was independent of
the others. Local WADL Regionals made their own rules and established
their own networks of activists. Due to its structure WADL encouraged
participation of a very diverse group of independent folks
who would not otherwise consent to being "organized".
Click the key for more info ......
D nears DC!
Doris "Granny
D" Haddock is on the last leg of her journey across the country. For over
a year Ms. Haddock, known to many as "Granny D", has been walking from
coast to coast to draw attention to the need for campaign finance reform.
She began her trek in California, Jan. 1, 1999 and walks ten miles a day.
This amazing woman celebrated her 90th birthday on January 24, 2000, at
the 3000 mile mark of her trip. As we sit out the harsh winter in
the comfort of our nice warm homes, this remarkable Elder is cross country
skiing through WV on the way to Washington DC. If all goes as scheduled,
Ms. Haddock and supporters will arrive in DC February 29, 2000. We
are hoping that a strong contingent from the Pagan community will show
up "Leap Day"
to keep Ms. Haddock company for the last few miles of her trek.
Click the key for more info ......
Four Quarters Farm Fight
is not Finished!
A situation
exists at Four Quarters Farm in Artemis, PA that could have far reaching
consequences in the Pagan Community. First off, this is not a Witch
War folks...this is a DIVORCE, pure and simple. A really ugly, nasty,
DANGEROUS divorce where a valuable piece of land is in contention. If certain
portions of the Pagan community could tell the difference between a divorce
and a Witch War, the issue of ownership of Four Quarters Farm might be
settled by now. As it currently stands however, the situation is
getting worse by the day. A court order is in place stating that no events
are to be held on the property by either party, and one owner of the land,
orren whiddon, is having events anyway. The Mountain Music Festival
is being advertised throughout the Pagan community as well as in some pretty
unsavory public establishments along the interstate. When I stopped by
two of these places to view the ads in question, I was subjected to cat
calls, lewd comments, and offered a mustache ride by a clientele that appeared
to be having a "who can wear the dirtiest ball cap" contest. This should
make for an interesting Gathering.
Click on the key for further information.....
The Scoop on Skye
Once again illness has struck
our community hard. Skye Landry, daughter of Wren Walker and Fritz
Jung (of The Witches' Voice) , was diagnosed with a brain tumor shortly
after Christmas. These folks who have given so much to the Pagan
Community need our prayers and healing energy for their child.
received the following letter to the Community from Wren and Fritz:.
Click the key for more info ......
Dalton Is Home And Doing Well !
We received
this happy message from his daughter Jess:
Ok, for everyone who has expressed
concern for my dad and how he is at the
present moment here you go....ready,
brace yourselves....
Dad walks without his cane, much
to our dismay at first...But he climbs stairs and keeps up with almost
all of us, except for Tanta the mall walker :) He can talk,
sometimes he sounds like the teacher from Peanuts but all in all he is
pretty clear. The other day he was in the living room and he tells everyone
his arm feels he's lifting it to chest level...funny guy..The
therapists are not going to settle
for anything less than at least a 95% recovery because he has that potential...
Click the key for more info ......
Festival Safety Services Has A New Addition : )
and PaulMullin are the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy! Well,
they haven't actually bounced him yet, but the owners manual says he comes
equipped with the bounce feature : )
Sean Liam
born 12/25/99
at 1:07am
8 lbs 3
oz 21"
All is well
with both mother and baby (except for the sleep deprivation).
It appears
he may look like Paul, with a touch of Sydney, but it's a bit too early
to tell.
Pagan Parents Prefer Home
With the increasing levels of
violence and madness in the Public Schools, more and more Pagan parents
are turning to home schooling to meet the educational needs of their children.
Teaching kids at home is no easy task. Some states have adopted very
stringent requirements that seem designed to discourage the practice.
Other States require that parents join a "cover school" unless they
are certified teachers. Of course most of these "cover schools" are
run by religious institutions, usually Christian, but that is slowly changing. Pagan
parents are banding together to insure that their children can get a quality
education without either having to risk life and limb or be subjected to
religious practices other then their own .
Click on the key for further information.....
ouse Eats WindTree Ranch's Mailing List
Being utility free apparently
offends computers, software, and e-mail. The folks at WindTree Ranch lost,
and been unable to recover, their entire e -mail address list due to a
serious mouse port glitch in their system. They are asking anyone
who was on their mailing list, or anybody who wants to be on their mailing
list, to please send e-mail to so they
can rebuild their contact database.
They can also be reached via
snail mail at:
Summerland Monastery, Inc.
WindTree Ranch
RR 2 Box 1
Douglas, AZ 85607-9802.
Message: 520-364-4611
attn. Rev. Jacque Omi Zaleski
or Landskeeper Don Mackenzie
The Legend of the Boo Hoo
The origin of the Legend
of the Boo Hoo has been obscured by the mists of time, but the Baleful
Babble of the Boo Hoo can still be heard in the Pagan community if one
listens carefully.
Most of the wisdom imparted to
me regarding Boo Hoos came from Kirk McLaren of Amulets by Merlin fame.
Other details were related to me by modern day oracle Isaac Bonewits.
I honor all contributors to the
Holy Babble of the Boo Hoo.
To help those new to Boo Hoos
identify the not so elusive species,
Click on the key for Busty's Basic Boo Hoo Test...
The First Forth
of July
Have you
ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of
Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and
tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned.
Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army, another had two
sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships
of the Revolutionary War. They signed and they pledged their lives,
their fortunes, and their sacred honor. What kind of men were they? Twenty-four
were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and
large plantation owners; men
of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence
knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.
Click on the key to learn more....
Millennium March on Washington;
Where have all the Pagans Gone?
On April 30th 2000 an estimated
1.5 million Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered people will be Gathering
in Washington, DC for the Millennium March on Washington for Equality.
How many of these folks will
be Pagan? We suspect quite a few. The Pagan Faiths are very
tolerant of sexual diversity (or at least they are supposed to be), and
there are very few Pagan groups, covens, political organizations, etc.
that do not have their fair share of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, or
polyamorus members. So where are all these queer Pagans and their
respective groups among the supporters of the March?
Click the key for an answer to this question...
Military Murders Marine Mammals!
Low Frequency Active Sonar (LFAS)
testing by the United States Military is resulting in the mass stranding
of Whales and Dolphins. Surveillance Towed Sensor System Low
Frequency Active Sonar (SURTASS LFA) is used by the military to detect
submarines. Recent reports have linked the US Navy trials to the
deaths of dozens of whales and possibly 200 dolphins in the Mediterranean.
The Navy is even using the birthing waters around Hawaii to test the sonar
threshold of nursing cows and their young.
In two weeks, two baby whales have died during these tests..........
Click the key for more info ......
Sgt. James Ray Wilson has
pled guilty in the Fort Hood Child Molestation case.
In a plea arrangement, Wilson
was convicted of Sodomy on Diverse Occasions and three counts of Indecent
Acts with a Child.
March 28,1998 Wilson was sentenced
to Reduction in rank to E-1, Forfeiture of all pay and allowances, Dishonorable
discharge from the Military, and 13 years confinement. He could have
received up to 25 years in prison. This case came to the attention of the
Pagan community in December when rumors began circulating the internet
regarding Wilson's alleged involvement in the Fort Hood Open Circle.
Online speculation regarding Wilson's guilt and Pagan affiliations became
so intense that it could have led to a claim by Wilson's defense lawyers
that it affected his ability to receive a fair trial at Fort Hood.
his victim was spared further lengthy legal procedures by Wilson's guilty
Click the key for more info ......
Green Egg Almost Broken By
Largest Distributor's Bankruptcy
Green Egg, A Journal of the
Awakening Earth, has been dealt a devastating financial blow by the
failure of one of its largest distributors, Fine Print. Several months
ago Fine Print went bankrupt owing Green Egg a substantial amount
of money. It is unlikely that
Green Egg will recover much,
if any, of this lost revenue.
Green Egg, like most independent
presses, survives hand to mouth. They have no moneys
laid aside to buffer the effects of such a major setback. A catastrophe
like this would break a lesser magazine. Not this ovoid gem in the crown
of Pagan periodicals however.................
Click the key for more info ......
The WitchTower
Out of the Dark, Inc.
7651 Whispering Pines Trail
Windsor, VA 23487
(757) 357-0664
Print these pages and you will always have something
to hand back to the witnesses who knock on your door at 8 a.m. on Saturday
THE WITCHTOWER - COPYRIGHT 1998, 1999, 2000,2001
Legal Disclaimer: It's not our fault! The
little voices made us do it!.
If we had sense we'd be dangerous! All stories are the
opinion of
their author, who may or may not be wrapped too tight.
were potty trained too early. We ate too many twinkies!
The dog ate our edited version. We were just standing
here minding our own business when this mysterious
dude walked up and handed us this story Officer