Pagan Parents Prefer HomeSchooling

With the increasing levels of violence and madness in the Public Schools, more and more Pagan parents are turning to homeschooling to meet the educational needs of their children.  Teaching kids at home is no easy task.  Some states have adopted very stringent requirements that seem designed to discourage the practice.  Other states require that parents join a "cover school"  unless they are certified teachers.  Of course most of these "cover schools" are run by religious institutions, usually Christian, but that is slowly changing.  Pagan parents are banding together to insure that their children can get a quality education without either having to risk life and limb or be subjected to religious practices other then their own . 

The Church of the Spiral Tree has created a cover school for homeschooling families in Alabama.  In order to home school your kids in Alabama, you either have to be a certified teacher, or you have to join a cover school, provided by a church. Most of the cover schools in Alabama are Christian, and none are specifically Pagan, so to meet the needs of Pagan homeschoolers in Alabama, Sacred Grove Academy was formed as is now accepting students. For complete details visit their website@

If you live in another state with similar requirements, and you'd like to join a Pagan cover school  The Church of the Spiral Tree is willing to register to do business in your state.  Contact Linda Kerr, Church of the Spiral Tree at for a description of their program.

Other good sources for information on homeschooling and Pagan Parenting

Pagan Home Schooling Page

The Witches' Voice Pagan Parenting Pages