E mail your protest with the following heading in the subject line:
We, the undersigned citizens and organizations protest in the strongest possible terms over the Navy's Low Frequency Active Sonar (LFAS) research experiments and plans for further deployment of SURTASS LFA (LFAS) in the waters off the Big Island of Hawai'i and the World.
Our concerns regarding the effects of LFAS experiments on the marine environment and cetaceans in particular cannot be understated. As an elected representative of the United States, a country with an unparalleled reputation as a world leader in environmental protection, we ask you to take immediate and decisive action to halt the deployment of LFAS in Hawai'i and worldwide.
The March, 1998 "soft" testing by the Navy have had a devastating impact on cetaceans in Hawai'i. One baby humpback whale died and another presumed dead after being observed deserted by its mother, in a previously undocumented and highly active and distressed condition. The baby whale was recorded to breach over 250 times and pectoral slap over 670 times in a period of seven hours.
Whales, dolphins, sharks and other marine creatures have been observed by independent scientists and experts behaving in entirely bizarre ways during the test operations. Reports and eyewitness accounts are available on your request. We know from previous usage of LFAS in Greece that whales have been killed.
We believe that the Congress of the United States must convene an Emergency Congressional hearing into the activities of the Navy and the extent, ramifications and future direction of LFAS research and deployment.
The precautionary principle has been a keynote of responsible environmental management worldwide, a principle which has been completely ignored by the Navy. To subject marine creatures who once lived in a peaceful sonic environment to these experiments is a crime against nature.
That the Navy did this work in a sanctuary at a time when humpback whales are calving and breeding demonstrates an unethical, appalling lack of responsibility and concern for non human species.
It is illogical to state, as the Navy has in various arenas, that the only way to monitor the effect of LFAS sound on marine creatures is to expose them to these experiments. This is the rationale used by Nazis in World War 2 and led to the Nuremberg trials for crimes against humanity.
The Navy's actions in Hawai'ian waters have led to a global outcry which will not be silenced. There is genuine revulsion by people all round the world that our Navy should be using taxpayers' funds to harm and terrorize cetaceans and other marine creatures who live in a sonar environment.
We urge you to demand an Emergency Congressional Hearing into the Navy's LFAS protocol, its raison d'etre and the extent of LFAS experiments and deployment. We urge you to say "NO" to LFAS and to support the widest possible dissemination of your views and other's position so that Americans and concerned global citizens learn of this new and frightening threat to marine ecosystems and the planet.
Finally, we would say with respect
that this is an issue with the potential to galvanize communities, individuals,
organizations and nations into action.
Already, the response to the LFAS testing
has been nothing short of astonishing. It is clear the protest will
only increase until there is a guarantee from the US and world governments
that American and international waters will be protected from this new
and sinister weapon.
As we stand poised at the beginning of a new century, it's time to review humanity's relationship with non human species - to stop experimenting on, torturing, maiming and killing innocent creatures for the sake of developing new weapons of war. You have the tools of change in your hands, I urge you to use them. Please do not forsake cetaceans and our planet at this critical time.
I, the undersigned, support the resolution before the Hawai'ian representative known as HRC 134 HD1 and all future legislations and actions taken to prevent further use and deployment of LFAS in the US and Worldwide.
For complete documentation please visit :
Please email a copy of your protest letter
is a partial list of people to annoy .........
President Bill Clinton president@whitehouse.gov
Vice-President Al Gore vicepresident@whitehouse.gov
Govenor of Hawaii: Ben Cayetano gov@aloha.net
phone (808) 586-0034 fax (808) 586-0006
State Senator: David Tarnas reptarnas@capitol.hawaii.gov
phone (808) 586-8510 fax (808) 587-0390
Dept Land and Natural Resources State of
Hawaii Chairman Mike Wilson: mwilson@pixi.com
phone (808) 587-0400 fax (808) 587-0390
Joseph Johnson Space and Naval Warfare
Systems Command Email:Jsquared@nosc.mil
phone (703) 919-8959
Senators: Danial Inouye senator@inouye.senate.gov
DC fax (202) 224-6747 Honolulu fax (808)
Congressmen: Neil Abercrombie neil@abercrombie.house.gov
Honolulu phone (808) 541-2570 Hono fax
(808) 533-0133 DC fax (202) 225-4580
Richard Williamson - Office of the
Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installations
and Environment): >ASN(I&E) - e-mail: williamr@spawar.navy.mil
Ph. (703) 695-4533; Fax: 693-1165Phone
(619) 524-3470
Diana H. Josephson, Principle Deputy (I&E)
- e-mail: Josephson.Diana@hq.navy.mil
Ph. (703) 693-4527
Elsie Munsell, DASN ES - e-mail:Munsell.Elsie@hq.navy.mil
Ph. (703) 614-1303
Robert (Robin) Pirie, ASN (I&E) -
e-mail: Pirie.Robert@hq.navy.mil
Ph. (703) 695-4533
Dr. Kurt Riegel, Director of Environmental
Technology - e-mail: Riegel.Kurt@hq.navy.mil
Ph. (703) 695-3363,
Lew Shotton, Director of Environmental
Planning & Natural Resources - Ph. (703) 614-1295,
e-mail: Shotton.Lew@hq.navy.mil
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA);e-mail: tmcintyr@kingfish.ssp.nmfs.gov
Patsy Mink DC fax (202) 225-4987 Hono phone (808) 541-1986 Hono fax (808) 538-0233
Kate McGinty, White House Office of Enviromental
Quality -
phone (202) 456-6224 fax (202) 456-2710
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20006
Ann Terbush, National Marine Fisheries
Services Office of protected species - fax (301) 713-0376
1335 East West Highway Silver
Springs, MD 20910