Release Date 30 October, 1999
Forward as needed till: 31 December, 1999
Expiration date of information: None
May be posted to Web Sites and directories as desired.
Greetings and Salutations,
First, We apologize for the length of this post and, for the many duplications of its contents you will undoubtedly receive.
As you are aware WADL was founded in 1969 by Dr. Leo Louis Martello of New York City . For the past 30 years we have tried to maintain the standards he set as one of the earliest fighters for religious equality for our community.
WADL has passed through a series of leadership changes over the years, as each person added their own distinctive mark to its history. Each, in their own way, contributed to the continuing quest for fair and equal representation under The First Amendment.
We have been in court with school children and their parents to defend the right to wear emblems of our religion, we have been in court with divorced mothers when Witchcraft was an issue in custody. We have contacted legislators, civil officials and the media when the rights of a few were threatened. Our Representatives stood with others to face the protests of Christians who feel and stated we should not be allowed to live.
The mandate and mission/vision statement of WADL has changed from writing letters of protest to one of pro-active education and action. We have moved from the "broom closet" to the editorial page. From complaining, after the fact, about treatment of minority religions to active education of school
officials, media, civic and governmental groups with facts and figures about Paganism. We have seen Pagans realize they can be a political voice if they choose to act in the system. We see more positive signs each year that Our Craft is becoming not only acceptable but in many circles respectable.We have seen Our Faith accepted by The Armed Forces Chaplains, more positive portrayal in media presentations of us, Congress people answering our letters with positive responses. We have seen the President of The United States call for recognition of the fact that diversity is what makes this a great nation.
We still see the dark side that comes from lack of education, understanding and tolerance. It is to this lack of education we see our mandate moving. WADL has discussed internally, for the past year, the possibility of changing our name to more positively reflect our current mission and mandate. Recently we have had dialogue with not only the Officers of WADL and certain other groups but with the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith who feel, possibly with cause, that our mandate, mission and actions may cause some confusion with their trademarked logo ADL.
WADL has no desire to cause such confusion with a group who performs such an active role within another Religious Community. With this in mind we have decided to begin the New Calendar Year and New Calendar Millennium with a new name, bylaws and web site.
From that date on we will be know as Alternative Religions Educational Network ,inc. AREN (formerly known as WADL)We chose Samhain as the time to announce this to Our Community as this is the time for reflection and remembrance. Let us remember those who gave their time, effort, blood, sweat and tears to this organization. Dr. Martello, Silver RavenWolf, Crystal Dunton, Stormy Windwalker, Norm Vogel each gave time, gave of themselves and contributed to make WADL what it is today. To each of these people the current Officers and Directors humbly offer our sincerest thanks for giving us examples to live up to.
AREN will be incorporated under the laws of The State of Indiana, the Officers and Board remain the same. Our mission/vision statement will remain pro-active with the emphasis on education and self-empowerment. We are working toward the day when groups like ours and the ADL will no longer
be needed.All current members, state representatives, regional directors and officers will be confirmed in their positions. New bylaws are now being prepared and will be posted to our Web Site within a two week period. Until January 1,2000 our e-mail, USPS and Web address will remain the same.
We will contact each list we are members of individually to request change of address as needed. We will place a router page on the old website for a 12 month period so that those persons who have printed directories with the old address can find us. We ask that all persons who are linked to our web pages change such links as soon as is practical after January 1st. Email sent to our old address will be received for a 6 month period before that too is phased out.
We thank our community for the support they have shown us over the past 30 years and ask your blessings as we enter the new Pagan year and prepare for our transition on January 1st, 2000.
We again stress that the only change will be name, incorporation and web address as we will add our own domain.
Our thanks for your time and attention the Members, Representatives, Regional Directors and Officers of WADL wish each of you a Blessed Samhain.
In Our Lady and Our Lord,
Steve Foster, President
For The Officers and Directors WADL