The Very FIRST, Original, One and Only, Often Imitated, Never Duplicated Gathering of the Tribes! "A Gathering of the Tribes for a Human Be-In," announced on the cover of the new issue of the San Francisco Oracle, would feature Timothy Leary, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Richard (Ram Dass) Alpert, Dick Gregory, Lenore Kandel, Jerry Ruben" Gathering "On 14 January, 1967, in Golden Gate Park at the end of Haight Street in San Francisco, the first 'Gathering of the Tribes For A Human Be-In' brought thousands of Flower Children (as the media dubbed them) and radical left-wing and activist groups together in a collective search for cultural transformation. The new strategies and alliances which were formed there, kicked off a new fractal of social change which was to massively influence events for years to come. The politics, philosophy, fashions, music and icons of a fully-fledged countercultural 'movement' quickly emerged, and 'universities of the streets' sprang up in every Western city" Over 30,000 people from diverse races, religions, and backgrounds gathered together and began to explore possible ways to change the world, and themselves. The coordinators of this
Gathering went on to create Lollapalooza and Earth First. One of the guest
speakers at the original Gathering of the Tribes was Timothy Leary and
special entertainment was provided by Jefferson Airplane (so long ago they
weren't even a "Starship" yet) and other notable performers. The
famous words "Tune in, turn on, drop out" were first spoken by Mr. Leary
under the Gathering of the Tribes banner. High Times, Magical Blend, and
other magazines covered this event extensively and encouraged folks to
"Gather the Tribes" as frequently as possible. So they did. The "Human
Be-In" was born. Enthusiasm for the concept died down a bit during the Vietnam War protesting, but then enjoyed a huge resurgence of interest around 1975 when Timothy Leary was finally released from prison. Timothy Leary, Jerry Garcia, and MANY other notable activists and environmentalists kept the concept alive. A whole new generation began trying to learn how to unify the disenfranchised Races and Faiths of the Nation, and thereby promote equality for all. During the 70's and 80's there were dozens of Gatherings of the Tribes across the country. As time passed some of these events became "Rainbow Gatherings" (totally Free Gatherings), some of them transformed into outdoor rock concerts, a couple turned into N.O.R.M.A.L. rallies, and several focused on Pagan, or Earth Centered issues. Currently, there are numerous "Gathering of the Tribes" festivals, etc. all over the World. Some are Pagan, some are environmentally orientated, some are Rainbow Family, some are geared to the arts, and some are musical. Most credit that first Gathering were the youth of the Nation spoke out against hatred and bigotry with having influenced, at least in part, their organization. "June 24-27, in Northern California, we will host the Gathering of the Tribes. This will not be "just another Asatru gathering;" it will be the beginning of a new phase in our movement's history. If you are an AFA member or sympathizer, we hope you'll be here!" "What is the Gathering of All Tribes? The Gathering of All Tribes is a pagan celebration of Mid-summer. For the past 8 years the Church of All Worlds has hosted an annual Pagan Summer Gathering on this weekend and at this site." "2006 Gathering of the Tribes Each November, SAADE hosts the Statewide Gathering of the Tribes. This is a time for club leadership to gather together and discuss issues impacting our communities statewide." You are yet again cordially invited to join us for the seventh Peace In Nature Walk, entitled "AUTUMNAL GATHERING OF THE TRIBES", American Indian "UC Riverside Hosts “Gathering of the Tribes” Summer Residential Program" "Preppies vs. Indians on an old American playing John Seabrook " "The Gathering of the Tribes to Save the Valley of the Chiefs" "The epic Sacred Shellmound Peace Walk culminated on Thursday, November 24, 2005 at Alcatraz Island with the gathering of the Tribes." Eastern Indian "CLARA SALA'S words cut through the boundaries of race, sex and identity. Her language pulses with musicality, urgency and honesty. Deeply moved by her travels to the Holy Land in 1998, Clara debuts the poems born of its people and their ferocious spirit." "This page is dedicated to the work of Harideva and Osho. Harideva introduced Osho's work to the west in 1971 and over the years has been teaching meditation and training friends in the art of living life big with a loving heart." "Gathering of the Tribes 2004, May 1. 2004" African
Rainbow "Howdy Folks! Welcome Home! To the 28th Annual RAINBOW GATHERING OF THE TRIBES FOR WORLD PEACE & HEALING JUNE 28 - JULY 10, 1999 ALLEGHENY NATIONAL FOREST, PENNSYLVANIA" "ROOTS: The Rainbow Family of Living Light (aka Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes, etc.) didn't really begin at any specific time, and has never really existed as a formal organization. In many ways, it is a fundamental human expression, the tendency of people to gather together in a natural place and express themselves in ways that come naturally to them, to live and let live, to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. In the U.S. in the late 1960's and early 70's, a kind of critical mass of consciousness developed" "A GATHERING OF TRIBES By Robert Frenay Bob Frenay is a writer living in New York. He wrote this piece for the New Yorker's Talk of the Town section, which accounts for the somewhat stilted tone. In any case, they decided any story they did on hippies would have to be "ironic" and decided not to publish." "This is the Spring Equinox 2004 Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes & Eco-Village Project(s) in La Paz County. Baja California Sur, Mexico: March 15th - 30th, 2004" "Each year the family holds the Gathering of the Tribes, a totally Free non-commercial sharing of our lives and sacred hearts, in the Cathedral of Nature for the healing of the earth." The Arts"Gathering of the Tribes Web Edition" "The Gathering of the Tribes is an annual conference and festival uniting artists’ collectives from across North America and Europe. Founded in 1999, Gathering of the Tribes (GoTT) began as a networking and unity building resource for organizers and artists within the electronic dance music culture." "The Gathering of the Tribes is a yearly fundraiser to benefit The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Eastern Madera County SPCA)" "Presented by Gathering of the Tribes (GOTT) in the Taj Mahal Dome" Quite frankly, we find the concept of any one individual or organization trying to claim "ownership" of the Gathering of the Tribes name and/or concept to be incredibly egotistical. It is our contention that no one can "own" what was created by many caring people to be free for all. It goes against the basic core beliefs that the Gathering of the Tribes was founded on. Claiming sole right to a title that has been used Worldwide for almost 40 years to rally together The People, in all their various sizes, shapes, colors, and attitudes, is abhorrent to us. In all our web searching, Bill and Victoria Wheeler are the ONLY people we have found who have tried to turn the Gathering of the Tribes concept into a cult of personality. The Gathering of the Tribes WAS NOT created to be a personal ego vehicle for a couple of charlatans. The fact that William "Bill" Wheeler {Rhuddlwm Gawr} and Victoria "Vickie" Wheeler {Cerridwen Gawr} keep pretending they created the "Gathering of the Tribes" concept is just plain sad :-( The fact that they keep publicly changing the age of their Gathering is just plain funny LOL |