William "Bill" Wheeler [Rhuddlwm Gawr] & Victoria Wheeler [Cerridwen ab Gawr] aka
Y Tylwyth Teg Stole From Us!
...and other nice people too :-0

These links to numerous documents prove that in 1996 we wrote the various phrases that Y Tylwyth Teg stole from us in 1999. These pages show how our site has developed over the years as we have added new material. They also show how Y Tylwyth Teg abruptly changed their format in 1999 and began using material they plagiarized from us.

Yes, the sad but true fact is that William "Bill" Wheeler {Rhuddlwm Gawr} and Victoria Wheeler {Cerridwen ab Gawr } aka Y Tylwyth Teg plagiarized much of our Gathering of the Tribes website in 1999. They even stole the CUUPs {Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans} mission statement {click here to jump to the purloined CUUPs mission statement}

Equally sad is the fact that our Gathering website has not changed much from 1996 to 2006. Different guests but the same general verbiage. What can I say, I'm busy and "cut and paste" is easy ...cut and paste of MY OWN material that is! Bill and Victoria Wheeler seem to think that cut and pasting (Stealing) someone else's original writings is even easier :-/

In 1999 Y Tylwyth Teg stole a good portion of our site and began their slander campaign against us. Bill and Victoria Wheeler changed the name of their event to "Spring or Fall Gathering of the Tribes" to more resemble ours, sent out mass mailings that were identical to ours in many respects, moved their event's date to coincide with ours, and began to engage in other grossly unethical behavior.

In March of 1998 Y Tylwyth Teg's website was designed by Melinda Reese and it looked completely different from ours, as did their mass mailings.
In 1998 the copyright on their site read:

"This site created by Dancing Spirit Web Creations.
design copyright 1998 Melinda Reese, Dancing Spirit Web Creations."

In 1998, they called their event the "21st Annual Gathering of the Tribes", we called our events "The Spring or Fall Gathering of the Tribes" (we did two Gatherings a year, they had one)
The copyright on their page changed as well to read:

"This site created by Camelot Web Creations.
Content copyright 1998 The Church of Y Tylwyth Teg;
design copyright 1999 Janet Partin, Camelot Web Creations."

Now I have to give credit where credit is due here. Bill and Victoria Wheeler did make me chase my tail a bit. I paid a lawyer $600.00 to sue someone who never existed, "Janet Partin"

That was kinda funny, even if the joke was on me. Pretty slick too ...after I told "Janet Partin" I was gonna sue her butt off, and my lawyer went looking for her where Victoria Wheeler worked, they killed her off in a very public display. It worked too. I didn't find out that "Janet Partin" was just a character created by the Wheeler's to cover their tracks until years later.
Click here to see the details of the Wheeler's "Janet Partin" Scam

It is now 2006 and Y Tylwyth Teg continues to use the paragraphs they stole from us and make outrageously false claims about the origins of the First Gathering of the Tribes....which was created in 1967 ...by ALLEN COHEN and many other kewl folks... Ya Big Fat Liars!

We truly wish this site was not necessary, but we have been the victim of thieves pure and simple. While we have no desire to create dissension in the Pagan Community, neither are we willing to allow someone to blatantly steal from us, or others unchallenged.

We will leave it to you the reader to speculate as to why Y Tylwyth Teg stole large portions of our website in 1999, redesigned their mailings and website to appear very similar to ours, and started to claim they have been holding Gatherings since God made dirt! While we decided that taking Y Tylwyth Teg to court for plagiarizing our site was just not worth the bother once they claimed a "dead person" was responsible for the theft of our material, we are obviously prepared to defend every statement we make here in a court of law should Y Tylwyth Teg take issue with this site.

We believe that the concept of a "Gathering of the Tribes" is a sacred one and we will not allow one lone egotistical group to lay claim to an idea that they did not develop, inspire, or in any way affect outside their own tiny corner of reality. We will continue to use the name "Gathering of the Tribes" for two of our events each year and we fervently hope that others will also continue to hold "Gathering of the Tribes" events all across the nation. In all our web searching, the Wheeler's are the ONLY people we have found who have tried to turn the Gathering of the Tribes concept into a cult of personality. The Gathering of the Tribes WAS NOT created to be a personal ego vehicle for a couple of charlatans!

I'm sure that this page will get larger as folks ask questions I haven't thought to answer here. This site shall be our record and account of our public objection to Y Tylwyth Teg's plagiarization of our site, their claim to have "held the first Gathering of the Tribes" and their public accusation that we "stole the name of their Gathering". Hopefully this site has cleared up any questions that you the reader have regarding the "Gathering of the Tribes" or our dispute with Y Tylwyth Teg. If not, email us and the page will get longer.

Thank You,

Betsy Ashby

Who, for the record, has NEVER been....

....arrested for, much less convicted, of ANY crime. My most serious traffic violation in almost 30 years of driving is going 46 mph in a 35 mph zone.
.... treated and/or medicated for any psychiatric or mental disorder. Although some folks think a few sedatives wouldn't hurt my personality, and there are days when I might agree with them, it hasn't happened yet!!
.... accused of being a good enough writer that anyone would want to steal my work. The Wheeler's had to be pretty damn desperate ..they must finally be running out of first string authors to plagiarize ;-/

In 1998 the Wheeler's page "Brief History of Welsh Faerie Witchcraft in America" states that in 1967 they presented their "first Samhain Festival celebration"
"1967 - Later, the "Coven of Y Tylwyth Teg" expands into a much larger organization - "The Church of Y Tylwyth Teg in America." Y Tylwyth Teg's first coven brings together Wiccans and Pagans from several traditions, including solitaires and traditional Welsh Celtic Pagans. Y Tylwyth Teg presents its
first Samhain Festival celebration presided over by Lord Rhuddlwm and Lady Dana."
In 2001 the Wheeler's change the "Brief History of Welsh Faerie Witchcraft in America" page. Now it states that in 1967 they presented their "first Spring Festival "The Gathering of the Tribes"
"1967 - Later, the "Coven of Y Tylwyth Teg" expands into a much larger organization - "The Church of Y Tylwyth Teg in America." Y Tylwyth Teg's first coven brings together Wiccans and Pagans from several traditions, including solitaires and traditional Welsh Celtic Pagans. Y Tylwyth Teg presents its first Spring Festival "The Gathering of the Tribes" and its first Midsummer celebration "The Battle of the Winter and Summer Kings" presided over by Lord Rhuddlwm and Lady Dana"
By my calculations, at the rate you are going, your Gathering will be older than you are by 2010. Can't you idiots even add and subtract ?? 5-2=3

Hey, I hear Ezekiel mentioned a "Gathering of the Tribes" in the Bible. Now there's a whole bunch of material you could plagiarize and very few Pagans would notice.

Why don't you just claim to have authored Black Elk's Vision for him back in the 1800's and call it a day?? Surely you must remember the FAMOUS "Gathering of the Tribes" prophecy that inspired thousands of hippies to go camping in National Forests without any toilets, supplies or common sense??

I better stop or the next thing you know we'll be seeing whole chapters from "Black Elk Speaks" poorly translated into pigeon Welsh and posted on Wheeler's website as Welsh Tradition :-/
Oh...and in case I forgot to mention:
Bill and Victoria Wheeler are LIARS and THIEVES!!!
I think we've done a pretty good job of proving this FACT-------->

Click here for the REAL History and Origins of the FIRST "Gathering of the Tribes"
Click here for the History and Origins of Our
"Gathering of the Tribes"

Our Spring Gathering of the Tribes
1996 Flyer

Our Autumn Gathering of the Tribes
1996 Flyer {front} **** Flyer {back}
Our Spring Gathering of the Tribes
1997 Flyer {front}
**** Flyer {back}
Our Fall Gathering of the Tribes
1997 Website
**** 1997 Mass Mailing
Wheeler's Gathering of the Tribes
1997 Website

In 1997 the Wheeler's website does not resemble ours in any way, shape or form ...YET!
Our Spring Gathering of the Tribes
1998 Website
**** 1998 Mass Mailing
Our Fall Gathering of the Tribes
1998 Website
**** 1998 Mass Mailing
Wheeler's Gathering of the Tribes
1998 Website

In 1998 the Wheeler's website still does not resemble ours in any way, shape or form ...YET!
Wheeler's Gathering of the Tribes
1998 Mass Mailing

In 1998 the Wheeler's mass mailing does not resemble ours in any way, shape or form ...YET
In this mailing they claim to have "lost EVERYTHING due to a hard drive crash" and that they will soon have a "NEW WEBSITE."
Yeah right...their "New Website" turned out to be OURS!
Our Spring Gathering of the Tribes
1999 Website
**** 1999 Mass Mailing
Our Fall Gathering of the Tribes
1999 Website
**** 1999 Mass Mailing
Wheeler's Gathering of the Tribes
1999 Website

As you can see the Wheeler's STOLE the majority of their new website from us in 1999!
Wheeler's Gathering of the Tribes
1999 Mass Mailing

In 1999 the Wheeler's STOLE the majority of their new mass mailing from us as well!
Our Spring Gathering of the Tribes
2000 Website
**** 2000 Mass Mailing
Our Fall Gathering of the Tribes
2000 Website
**** 2000 Mass Mailing
Wheeler's Gathering of the Tribes
2000 Website

The Wheeler's continue to use the material they STOLE from our website in 1999!
Wheeler's Gathering of the Tribes
2002 Website

The Wheeler's continue to use the material they STOLE from our website in 1999 PLUS they add more LIES to their website
"We are not associated with other "Gathering of the Tribes" festivals which are held in Virginia. One person plagerized and stole ideas directly from our past brochures which she obtained when she attended our Gathering in Georgia back in 1991, and more recently from our web site."
Yes I did attend their washed out Gathering in 1991, but you can look at the documents below and clearly see who stole from whom. I spoke with Bill Wheeler for less than 2 minutes. He hit on me... specifically, he stared at my breasts, complemented me on how "Well Endowed" I was...and said how much he liked a "Hearty Woman" He acted like he might have expected me to feel something other than complete revulsion?  Then he tried to put his arm around my shoulders and I looked him in the eye and said "Touch me and you'll draw back a nub" He looked surprised and I walked away. As far as I know, that is the one and only time I have laid eyes on the man.
I had been attending "Gathering of the Tribes" festivals across the country since about 1981-82?? when my occult store in Newport News, VA received the mailing for the Wheeler's NEW Gathering. I did so many Pagan and Woman's Gatherings back then, they all kinda run together now, but the Wheeler's stands out because I spent most of the event helping their guests and attendees during a terrible storm. The Wheeler's ran off to a hotel (after lightning struck the main tent) with SOME of their "Big Names" and left everyone else to fend for themselves. One thing I remember well is that Janet Farrar stayed behind, in my big tent, and helped us with people who were wet and close to hypothermic, tents that were flying through the air, and a bunch of near panicked people. For a tiny little thing, she was as strong as an ox, and she DID NOT abandon the "common folks" when it got REAL NASTY.
Being the pack rat that I am, I still have all my original paperwork from that event :-)
Wheeler's FIRST Gathering of the Tribes Mailing in 1991
Please note there is NO mention of any prior Gatherings in any of the paperwork and there is NO content from our websites and mailings.!
My Response to the Wheeler's Solicitation in 1991
Please note the references to various other Gathering of the Tribes events.
AFTER I mention other Gathering of the Tribes events, the Wheeler's SECOND mailing includes a NEW claim
"The 13th Annual Gathering of Tribes"
There is still NO content from our websites and mailings.... yet!

In March 1991 the Wheeler's make NO claims to any prior Gatherings in their FIRST mailing for their Gathering
-AFTER being told about other Gatherings by me

The Wheeler's claim their first Gathering was in 1979 in their SECOND mailing in April 1991 {13th Annual}
In 1997 the Wheeler's claim their first Gathering was in 1978
{20th Annual}

In 1998 the Wheeler's call their event "The Gathering of the Tribes and claim it "has been held every year since 1977"
See the Wheeler's 1998 Witches Voice Listing Here
In 1999 the Wheeler's still claim their first Gathering began in 1977
{23rd Annual}
This is also when they steal the content of our website :-(
In 1999 they also change the name of their Gathering to "The Spring Gathering of the Tribes" to make it IDENTICAL to our event
See the 1999 Witches Voice Listing Here

In 2000 the Wheeler's claim their first Gathering was in 1976
In 2002 the Wheeler's claim their first Gathering was in 1967---but it was the "34th Annual" Didn't get very far in Math did ya Mr.PhDs
**** 2002 Mass Mailing

See the Wheeler's 2002 Witches Voice Listing Here
In 2005 the Wheeler's claim they are planning their "39th Annual" Gathering
{Bottom of Page} Math gets a little better, lie gets a lot bigger

The following are some examples of my original writings Y Tylwyth Teg stole in 1999
I wrote:
Leave your mundane worries at the gate, get your home away from home set up, and settle in for an enjoyable weekend of Pagan Networking, Knowledge Exchange, and Fun.

Y Tylwyth Teg plagiarized:
Leave your mundane worries at home, get your tent or camper set up, and settle in for an enjoyable weekend of Pagan Networking, Drumming, Music, Knowledge Exchange, and Fun.


I wrote:
The Gathering is growing by leaps and bounds! This tremendous upsurge of interest in Pagan, Wiccan, and other "Magical" Traditions is not just a local phenomenon, it is a National, even International wonder to behold! We are proud to be a part of it!

Y Tylwyth Teg plagiarized:
The Gathering is growing by leaps and bounds! There is a tremendous upsurge of interest in Pagan, Wiccan, and other "Earth" Traditions. This is an International wonder to behold and we are proud to be a part of it!


I wrote:
There will be the traditional potluck dinner Friday night, followed by a bonfire and drumming, a HUGE Bonfire Saturday night to drum and dance around, special children's activities throughout the event, and much, much more!

Y Tylwyth Teg plagiarized:
There will also be a traditional potluck dinner on Saturday, followed by a Ritual, baldric circle and drumming, a Bonfire Thursday and Friday night to drum and dance around, special children's activities throughout the event, and much, much more!


I wrote:
Everyone requesting admittance must fill out a membership form and sign a waiver. A valid picture ID must be presented at the gate. All minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. All minors must have a membership form and waiver, signed by the parent or guardian.

Y Tylwyth Teg plagiarized:
Everyone requesting admittance must fill out a membership form and sign a waiver. A valid picture ID must be presented at the gate. All minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. All minors must have a membership form and waiver, signed by the parent or guardian.


I wrote:
Everyone is requested to do a 2 hour work shift at some point during the event. This is the main way we keep our costs down. Each member is asked to sign up for one 2 hour work shift in registration, information, set up, clean up, lake watch, etc. Sign up sheets for the different work shift slots will be available at registration. Sign up early to get you favored time slot and area.

Y Tylwyth Teg plagiarized:
Everyone is requested to do a 2 hour work shift at some point during the event. This is the way we keep our costs down. Each member is asked to sign up for one 2 hour work shift for: registration, information, set up, clean up, lake watch, etc. Sign up sheets for the different work shift slots will be available at registration. Sign up early to get your favored time slot and area.


I wrote:
The site is semi primitive. There is running, hot water and there are a few flush toilets, but no showers. Porta potties will be used to supplement the
porcelain thrones. Bring your solar shower!

Y Tylwyth Teg plagiarized:
The Pioneer Site is primitive. There is running, cold water and there are Porta Potties, but no showers. There are a few flush toilets near
the lake (200 yards). Bring your solar shower! There ARE showers at the developed campsites about a quarter mile away.


I wrote:
We are VERY sorry but Clothes are NOT optional at this event, they are required.

Y Tylwyth Teg plagiarized:
We are sorry but Clothes are NOT optional at this event; they are required.


I wrote:
Everyone is responsible for their own food, tents, trash collection, pets, children, attitudes and actions.

Y Tylwyth Teg plagiarized:
Everyone is responsible for their own food, tents, trash collection, pets, children, attitudes and actions.


I wrote:
All written requests for information should include a stamped, self addressed envelope. Replies cannot be guaranteed without one. Long distance calls can only be returned collect. Organizers of the Gathering assume no responsibility for lost or misdirected mail. Do not send cash through the mail!!!!!

Y Tylwyth Teg plagiarized:
All written requests for information must include a stamped, self addressed envelope. Replies cannot be guaranteed without one. Long distance calls can only be returned collect. Organizers of the Gathering assume no responsibility for lost or misdirected mail. Do not send cash through the mail!!!!!


I wrote:
If you wish to be removed from Out of the Dark's, Pagan Resource Center mailing list, e-mail Center@OutoftheDark.com and type "Remove" in the subject line. If you receive this message twice, please let us know. We apologize and promise that we will probable do it again in the future, no matter how hard we try to remove all the duplicate listings. Permission to re post this mailing in it's entirety is granted. Please include the Signature information below with any re posting.
Thank you

Y Tylwyth Teg plagiarized:
If you wish to be removed from Southeastern Pagan Alliance Resource Center mailing list, e-mail sepa@tylwythteg.com and type "Remove" in the subject line. If you receive this message twice, please let us know. Permission to re-post this mailing in it's entirety is granted.
Please include all original signature information above with any re-posting.


This is the REAL kicker! They even stole the CUUPs mission statement (written at a CUUPs convocation in 1985), which we had permission to post on our site as a description of CUUPs. They just replaced "CUUPs" with "Y Tylwyth Teg" and "Unitarian Universalist" with "The Southeastern Pagan Alliance" and stole CUUP's work just as they did ours.

The CUUPs mission statement we posted:
The Group Ritual, and various other functions throughout the Gathering, are being performed by the EarthRising and Rising Tide CUUPS groups. The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans is formed for the purposes of enabling networking among Pagan identified UUs; providing outreach of Unitarian Universalism to the broader Pagan Community; providing educational materials on Paganism for Unitarian Universalist congregations and the general public; promoting Pagan and Jewish / Christian dialogue; encouraging the development of theological and liturgical materials based on earth and nature centered religious and spiritual perspectives; encouraging greater use of music, dance, visual arts, poetry, story, and creative ritual in Unitarian Universalist worship and celebration; providing support for Pagan identified UU religious professionals and ministerial students; and fostering healing relationships with our Mother the Earth and all her children.

Y Tylwyth Teg plagiarized:
The Group Ritual, and various other functions throughout the Gathering, are being performed by members of Y Tylwyth Teg, Association of Cymry Wicca, and other Southeastern pagan participants. was formed for the purposes of enabling networking among Southeastern Pagans; providing outreach to the broader Pagan Community; providing educational materials on Paganism for southeastern Pagan congregations and the general public; promoting Pagan and Christian dialogue; encouraging the development of theological and liturgical materials based on earth and nature centered religious and spiritual perspectives; encouraging greater use of music, dance, visual arts, poetry, story, and creative ritual in Pagan worship and celebration; providing support for identified Pagan religious professionals and ministerial students; and fostering healing relationships with our Mother the Earth and all her children.
