Home Convicted Sex Offenders Known to Frequent Pagan Gatherings, Activities, Events and Festivals. Publicly Accused of Plagiarism and/or Fraud in the Pagan Community Publicly Accused of Unacceptable Sexual Conduct in the Pagan Community Convicted of Crimes of Violence and/or Abuse Convicted Sex Offenders Known to Frequent Pow Wows and/or other Native American Indian Oriented Activities, Events and Festivals Publicly Accused and/or Convicted of Fraud, Misappropriation, and/or Exploitation in the Faux Indian Community |
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The Pagan Community is not immune to
problematic people. We get our
share of Trolls, Thieves, Plagiarists, Pedophiles and Predators of all kinds. This
a collection of pages where the authors claim to have been plagiarized,
off, or otherwise abused and preyed upon by a PUBLIC Pagan or group.
note the word PUBLIC...in PUBLIC Pagan. No we will not post a link to
page explaining what a low life your ex is. We are very sorry if the
support is late, but NO PRIVATE GRIPES are allowed on this site!
related crap only! The Problematic Pagans listed here have established
as PUBLIC FIGURES, and in doing so, they have opened themselves up to
scrutiny and criticism. They are self proclaimed Priests, Priestesses,
Teachers, Reverends, Directors of 501(c)3 's or Community Leaders of
kind. This site is not here to harass private individuals, it is here
monitor and report on the questionable activities of people who have
on a Leadership position in the Pagan Community. The other rule is post your proof.
an author has been plagiarized, they should show specifics... exact
page numbers, etc. If someone claims to have been raped or assaulted
should, post the relevant court documents. You get the picture. Don't
up a web site accusing someone or some group of wrongdoing unless you
prepared to go to court. With that in mind, why not post the proof you
use in court and save yourself the trip? The
allegations contained in these pages are the expressed beliefs of their
authors. As always, read the evidence presented and decide for yourself
the deal is. Criminal convictions are a matter of
almost everywhere these days, and sexual predators are listed on
the net |
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When it comes to identifying
Frauds in the Pagan Community, a good rule of thumb is that anyone who
a really long, completely unverifiable title, a "school" and/or
of their own, and a large collection of other people's stuff ... is
a scam artist. Charlatans are relatively easy to spot. The minute a
is questioned about ANY claim they have made regarding their
writings, 501c3, etc. they immediately begin to slander and defame the
in an attempt to destroy that individual's credibility. Fakes and
will ALWAYS attack the person asking the questions instead of actually
the issues raised. That's all they can do when the person challenging
claims is correct. It kinda goes like this: Fraud: Questioner: Fraud: Questioner: Fraud: You get the picture :-/ Let us be very
clear regarding the intent of this
It is the belief of everyone at Pagan.com, and most Pagans we know in
general, that each individual is responsible for his or her
actions. This is ESPECIALLY true for those who consider themselves
"Leaders" . We also believe that serious problems do
not just "go away" if you ignore them. Quite the contrary in
fact, they get bigger and bigger and bigger.... It is our intent to provide a
central location for links
related to problems within the Pagan Community. It's called
"dealing with the issues" and it is something that we have to
do to be a healthy community. Paganism is a living, growing entity. Let's make it a basic goal within all our various Paths not to make the same mistakes the Catholic Church did? Personally, when I am an old woman driving the Gathering staff crazy from my rocking chair, I DO NOT want to pick up the paper and read about 17 Pagan Priests who have been bouncing from Coven to Coven molesting children for decades! I want to read about those pervs, along with the thieves, plagiarists, frauds, etc. operating in the Pagan Community as soon as they are exposed! How 'bout you? If there is a site you feel should be here, just let us know, and we'll take a look. |
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Faux Indian "Grandmother Gayle" and the Snowbird Con Clan did the exact same thing. What can we say.... birds of a feather.
I have never been investigated for anything that I know of ...no one questioned me? It's not like I'm hard to find. Unlike the cowards who post outrageous lies about me on-line, I use my real name and address when I post the TRUTH about them. I don't "allege rumors" I SHOW FACTS!
'nuff said!!
The "Betsy was arranging safe housing for Muslims after 9-11" story is the ONLY ...and I mean ONLY truthful statement made about me on the aforementioned websites! I did that, and I'd do it again ...for ANY RACE OR RELIGION in the same situation ...Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Pagan... or anything I haven't heard of yet. I openly, on the net, offered safe housing and/or transportation to ANYONE who needed it (all air fights in our area were grounded) in full view of the government, again using my own name. Both the Isle of Wight Sheriff and various other officials knew what I was doing...and why. PEOPLE were stranded and scared. At one point, the Sheriff offered us extra patrols of our property if we needed it. After the 9-11 attack it was practically open season on anyone wearing a head scarf in certain parts of Bubbaville. That's wrong!
. | . Convicted Sex Offenders and Pedophiles Known to
Frequent Pagan Gatherings, Activities, Events and Festivals Martin
"Walking Bear" Wilson http://enpsychopedia.org/index.php/Martin_Gilmore_Wilson _____________________________________ Elizabeth
Miklosovic Orren
Whiddon Sgt.
James Ray Wilson Robin
Fletcher ******* WIlliam
"Bill" Wheeler aka Rhuddlwm Gawr & http://www.tylwythteg.co.uk/ Christopher
Hansard Janette
Copeland Sirona
Knight Kisma
Stepanich http://www.backwash.com/content.php?jouid=5256 Dan Winter http://www.danwinter.com/GermanAdvisory-English.html Vincent
Bridges (Dan Winter's Publisher) Vincent Bridges AKA “Dr. Strange” Tells His Life Story: http://aperfectfool.com/2009/01/27/fruits--nuts-vincent-bridgeshigh-and-weird.aspx http://enpsychopedia.org/index.php/Vincent_Bridges Jay Weidner _____________________________________ Colleen Johnston http://cassiopaea-cult.com/colleen-johnston-malevolent-alien-sex-cult-part-2 ******* Gavin
and Yvonne Frost http://ajdrew.blogs.pagannation.com/defrost-please-read/ _____________________________________ Moss
Bliss Bill
and Vickie Wheeler http://shar131.blogspot.com/2008/03/eric-pepin-sues-sott-for-45-million.html Convicted Sex Offenders and Pedophiles Known to Frequent Pagan Gatherings, Activities, Events and Festivals ******* Please
Note: We have included the "Pow Wow Predators" list on
"Problematic Pagans" website even though most Pow Wow participants (and
Indians in general) are Christian. Just because an individual
listed on Problematic Pagans .. IT DOES NOT MEAN THEY
ARE PAGAN! The person could be Christian, Muslim,
Jewish ...
whatever, we don't know ...or care what their religion is.
are listed here only because they might teach at, host and/or attend an
event that might be ATTENDED by Pagans. ******* The United People of the Cherokee Nation {UPCN} http://tribalrecognition.cherokee.org/ |
1999, 2000. 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 AND ON AND ON AND ON TO
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC, MECHANICAL, PHOTOCOPYING, RECORDING, OR TIED TO A ROCK AND THROWN AT THE AUTHOR, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF OUT OF THE DARK, INC. WE USUALLY SAY "YES" BUT WE INSIST YOU ASK FIRST. IF WE DON'T LIKE YOU OR WHAT YOU STAND FOR, WE WANT THE OPPORTUNITY TO SAY "NO" Legal Disclaimer: It's not our fault! The little voices made us do it!. If we had sense we'd be dangerous! All stories are the opinion of their author, who may or may not be wrapped too tight. We were potty trained too early. We ate too many twinkies! The dog ate our edited version. We were just standing here minding our own business when this mysterious dude walked up and handed us this story Officer Honest! *******