is a
"Faux Indian" you ask?
Anyone who
is not a member of a
Federally Recognized Indian Tribe who is running around claiming to
teach about, or collect money for "Native American Indians" in some
shape, form or fashion....usually with a 501(c)(3)
the phrase "Faux Indian" so we get to write the definition too.
you don't like it, feel free to hit your back button, create your own
phrases and build your own website
The people profiled on
these pages have
and in doing so, they have opened themselves up to
scrutiny and criticism. They are self proclaimed Medicine People,
Teachers, Clan Mothers, Directors of 501(c)3 's or non
recognized "Tribal" Leaders of
kind. This site is not here to harass private individuals, it is here
monitor and report on the questionable activities of people who have
on a Leadership position in the community. Self
proclaimed Gurus only...NO PRIVATE GRIPES...we have
another site for that
For those
of you who would like to
read our opinions about these Faux Indians, start clicking the links
below. By the time you've finished reading what's there,
we'll have
posted more 'cause we are FARRRRRRR from finished.
We still have gigs
of research to edit into some understandable format. There
are hundreds of these groups ripping off the REAL Indian Tribes every
they misuse a Treaty Tribe's name for their own benefit in some way.
EuroPagan community is a prime feeding ground for these charlatans
the vast majority of white people just don't know any
better. I can say
that 'cause I am a white person and I didn't know any better.
After I
learned the difference between a Real Indian and a Faux Indian, I told
some of my white friends...and they were equally surprised. It
is so
simply you really feel kinda dumb once it is explained to you.
have "Treaties" with the US government ... Faux Indians
don't. It is just that simple!
Indians find an Indian ancestor in the woodpile and think that entitles
them to a hand out, to speak for, or teach
in the
name of whatever culture
that alleged ancestor belonged to... Ahhhh... NO!!
recognized Indians are due very specific benefits, guaranteed
in their
Tribe's Treaty with the US Government. When the US
Taxpayer's money
goes to federally recognized Tribes it is essentially US citizens
meeting our mortgage contract. US Citizens OWE a pre agreed upon debt
to these Tribes for the land we're all sitting on.
A deal's a deal! I
know some taxpayers think "we shouldn't still have to pay"
...and some
Indians think they should take their land back because the Treaty
agreements HAVE NOT been met...not even close! These are all very
important issues...for another website, preferably one run by real
Treaty Indians.
website is about Faux
who have no Treaties and who are not
recognized by the US Government. Faux Indians feel entitled to
donations, grants
and taxpayer funded benefits because of their
genealogy. Other people should pay their bills, buy them land,
etc. because of their alleged bloodlines. They claim to be
authorities on a culture they were not born to, and demand special
privileges and monetary compensation based on VERY questionable
We don't
think Faux Indians
entitled to SQUAT just because Aunt Susie said their great
great great grand whatever
played hide the hot dog with a Cherokee Princess 300 years ago!!!
They are
good 'ol American MUTTS just like the rest of us and they
and quit beggin' in the name of Indians!
can't sling a cat in the Smoky Mountains without hitting someone who
says they have a Cherokee Ancestor...and most of them are probably
telling the
truth. So what? Join the crowd. If just ONE Indian
made whoopee
with one
white person
300 years ago, they had two kids, who each had 2 kids, and so
and so on, we would now have at least 65,536 descendants from
ONE roll in
the hay. This is a very conservative estimate too, since many
have more then 2 kids. I think the national
is 2 point something, but I hate fractions. Do the math
The point is, in
a few more generations everyone on the East Coast is going to have an
Indian ancestor.. not to mention Black ancestors and Asian
ancestors and Hispanic ancestors...etc. etc.
it going to come to? We all pay each other for what ancestors
from one side of our family did to ancestors on the other side of our
family centuries ago? An American Mutt does not become a member of a
specific minority group just because Great Granpaw did the dinky doo
with someone who tans well!
Action programs are one thing. These are programs for PEOPLE OF COLOR
(Black, Indian, Islander, etc.) and are based upon
the well
documented fact that these folks have in the past, and still are, being
discriminated against due to their SKIN COLOR! Affirmative Action is a
really piss poor attempt at leveling the playing field, but it's better
then nothing... and now some lazy white people want a piece of
this pie too??
Go look at the Faux Indian websites! My
robust Nordic behind has not seen sunlight since I was four years old,
it is still not as WHITE as some of these so called "Chiefs"
Faux Indian issue has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Freedom of
Religion, and anyone who says it does is throwing up a smoke screen!
In the United States everyone has the right to worship who and
how they chose! An individual's Spiritual path is unrelated
to WHAT THEY GET PAID FOR ...or it should be Once money changes hands, it is a matter of COMMERCE not conscience.
It is half past time to put an end to all
this manifest destiny based Genetic
"Pay Me!" CRAP! Racism is racism, no matter how
it is packaged! Access to taxpayer funded programs designed to benefit
the underprivileged should be based upon NEED not DNA! An
indigent American citizen with an Indian ancestor is no more or less
entitled to health care, housing, education, etc. then an
American citizen with an Irish, Greek, Mexican or Chinese ancestor!
should an American Mutt declare themselves a Medicine Person, Chief,
Clan Mother, etc. of an Indian culture they were not born and raised
in! If a person wishes to LEARN from a culture other then
own, WONDERFUL!! Happens all the time, and there is always we
something we can learn from one another. I think Creator might have
even planned it that way?
problems start when someone reads a few good books, attends a couple of
weekend seminars, watches the entire
"Into the West" miniseries in one sitting and then decides they are
qualified to TEACH "Indian Traditions" for
some Tribe or another, often more then one
You can not rent a life time of experience at Blockbuster! Enough
already with the "Well no, I'm not actually an Indian, but I stayed at
the Holiday Inn Express last night" attitude! A lot of good
people... Indians AND Anglos... are getting hurt by Faux Indian ego and
If you
have a Faux Indian Story you would like
to share with the world, give us a shout. We DO NOT allow anonymous
complaints or posts! Our requirements are pretty simple.
victim and/or witness to whatever violation being reported, who is
willing to stand up and be identified, and go to court if necessary.
We DO sympathize with individuals who have been victimized
by Faux Indians and fear retaliation if they speak out. Some
these Faux Indians can be VERY vicious when confronted.
Believe me, I
However, under our current system of laws, we just can't help you
unless you are willing to go public, all the way to the Judge if
necessary. This is the ONLY way Faux indians can be called to answer
for what they are doing to both Anglos and Treaty Indians. Faux Indians
are not subject to any real Tribal Legal systems ...in fact, the Treaty
Indians usually can't touch them unless they want to sue them
civily in the Anglo Courts. This needs to change too!
Please note that we
report or host stories relating to alleged misdeeds by any Enrolled
Member of a Federally Recognized Tribe. The real Tribes have their own
legal systems and can police
their own citizens in their own Nations .. as can all other Sovereign
Nations of the world. We concentrate on people who are
exclusively citizens of the US .... 'cause that's where we
We only
make ONE exception to
this rule. We list, and provide links to sites relating to,
CONVICTED sexual predators from all over
the world,
Canada, Australia, the UK, and American Indian Sovereign Nations as
well. Any public record of a conviction for a sex crime
involving a
minor and/or the use of force, anywhere on the planet, no
exceptions. Sexual predators are everyone's problem because they can be
found everywhere, and they move around ...a lot!
Other then
the global issue of roving sexual predators, what Treaty
Indians do within their own Nation is their
own business!
The white
people playing Indian however, shall be severely
mocked in the most ancient and Traditional Euro Bardic fashion
we can muster
I am the very model of a Modern
Cherokee Clan
Sung to the tune of
"I am
the very model of a Modern Major-General"
...with apologies in advance to Gilbert and Sullivan
I am
the very model of a modern Cherokee Clan Chief
information valuable, so bring some cash 'cause I'm not cheap
know the works of Mooney and I change the facts as I see fit
MSN to Yahoo there's no doubt I am a Giant Twit!
very well equipped to fleece the needy and the gullible
understand they only want to feel that they are lovable
sell them ID cards so they can prove they are an Indian
And give them names like
"Hawk" and "Wolf" so they can impress all their friends
very good at subterfuge and dancing circles 'round the truth
don't care who I hurt as long as I'm collecting all their loot
short, my info's valuable, so bring some cash 'cause I'm
not cheap
I am
the very model of a modern Cherokee Clan Chief
created our Clan's history out of thin air and a comic book
threaten to sue anyone who questions just how White I look
quote the Swimmer manuscripts, and claim he was my Great Grand Pa
I lie
about my ancestry to hold the paying crowd in awe
Now I
can smell a seeker with a fat bank book a mile away
trick them into donating to bogus schemes because I say
only get to be part of the Clan as long as you can pay
and don't
you dare run out of funds or I will make you rue the day!
I adopt new suckers, found in plenty on the Internet
tell them how their predecessors failed to have all my needs met
short, my info's valuable, so bring some cash 'cause I'm
not cheap
I am
the very model of a modern Cherokee Clan Chief
fact when I know how to tap a person's deepest hopes and needs
I can tell at sight someone who's honest both in thought and deeds
when I pounce upon them like a Jackal on its wounded prey
make them feel like they belong no matter what I have to say
when I've taught Clan Members they must blindly obey my
I know more Traditions then the Elders I insult with glee
short, when they devote their efforts to my 501 (c) (3)
say a better Cherokee Clan Chief there's never been than me
my history I am doing well, you must agree
only been an Indian since "Dance with Wolves" came on TV
still, my info's valuable, so bring some cash 'cause I'm
not cheap
I am
the very model of a modern Cherokee Clan Chief
for the Music Video coming soon!!!
{Yes, we really are going to
try an sing this.. in
full Faux Indian Regalia }
::::UPDATE::: Predators
Post "Anonymous Rumors" about Pagan.com author Betsy Ashby in
retaliation for her exposure of their fraudulent activities.
Well known plagiarists and promoters of sex tours on their "Church" website, William "Bill" Wheeler {Rhuddlwm Gawr} and Victoria "Vickie" Wheeler {Cerridwen Gawr}
aka Dynion Mwyn, Y Tylwyth Teg, Camelot etc. etc. have
posted "anonymous" and extremely defaming "alleged rumors" about me, as
well as other authors they plagiarized, on their website. They did this
with malice in retaliation for our web site which exposes
well documented cases of plagiarism, as well as screen shots of the
"sex tours to Asia" promotion. They claim the defaming and
harassing posts about me are "anonymous"
The Runningbear's Den impostors
are currently using the Wheeler's "anonymous rumors" about me to try
and distract people from the fact that they are WHITE WOMEN pretending
to be a "full blooded enrolled member of the EBCI" Faux Indian "Grandmother Gayle" and the Snowbird Con Clan did the exact same thing. What can we say.... birds of a feather.
the record, I have NO criminal record whatsoever. I have never been
convicted of any crime....not even a tiny little misdemeanor. I have a
valid concealed carry permit in the State of Virginia, which I've held
since I was 21 years old. I've had one speeding
ticket in the past 20 years ...for going 11 mph over. I did that,
so I paid it. I
have never been investigated for anything that I know of ...no one
questioned me? It's not like I'm hard to find. Unlike the
cowards who post outrageous lies about me on-line, I use my real name
and address when I post the TRUTH about them. I don't "allege
rumors" I SHOW FACTS!
SINGLE "alleged rumor" about me has been made ANONYMOUSLY with the
intent to harass me into silence! There is not one single person
who has ever accused me of anything who has been willing to GIVE THEIR
OWN NAME!! 'nuff said!!
PS: The
"Betsy was arranging safe housing for Muslims after 9-11" story
is the ONLY ...and I mean ONLY truthful statement made about me on the
aforementioned websites! I did that, and I'd do it again ...for
ANY RACE OR RELIGION in the same situation ...Muslim, Christian,
Jewish, Pagan... or anything I haven't heard of yet. I
openly, on the net, offered safe housing and/or transportation to
ANYONE who needed it (all air fights in our area were grounded)
in full view of the government, again using my own name. Both the
Isle of Wight Sheriff and various other officials knew what I was
doing...and why. PEOPLE were stranded and scared. At one
point, the Sheriff offered us extra patrols of our property if we
needed it. After the 9-11 attack it was practically open season
on anyone wearing a head scarf in certain parts of Bubbaville. That's
I die I will NOT be explaining to The All-Father why I did nothing
while innocent people were being harmed ......I'll probably be
busy explaining a lot of other stuff....but not that one! Betsy
>>> |
Ohhhh, the news is just so depressing, ..it's Filking Time
Everybody Sing Along Now
He's an
Sung to the tune of "Send in the Clowns"
apologies in
advance to Stephen
Sondheim, Barbara Streisand and
Judy Collins }
Isn't he
white? He doesn't look brown?
Look on the rolls for his name
It can't be found
He's an azzclown
He's got the
blood, he just can't prove
That his Cherokee Grandma hid
Rather than move
He's an azzclown
Yes, he's an azzclown
Just when
you thought you'd seen it all
He pulls out a pipe that's marked "Made in Nepal" Packing it full, of his special blend
"Don't Bogart the bowl"
He instructs his friends
Why won't
you believe
He's Indian?
His card says he's "Chief" of all Cherokee
He's an azzclown
A great big azzclown
Too many azzclowns
Don't be
When you finally see
He's insulting the race
He's pretending to be
How can he exploit
.... those held in thrall?
It's easy I guess
He's white after all
It's all
about cash, it's all about greed
He doesn't care for real Natives in need
He's an azzclown ....a pain in the rear
A great big azzclown
That's his career
Sponsored Ad
of the
wade through all that bothersome government paperwork when you can
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When you join the Eastern Ensemble of the Cherochuckle Nation you get:
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Great Grandmother
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... the III
Princess of the
Eastern Ensemble of the Cherochuckle Nation (Federal
Recognition Pending)
Puerile Elder and Supreme
Chief of the Cosmic Soaring Squirrel Clan
For additional info please
.. |
contact Tribal Officials directly when checking out someone's public
teaching credentials. It's not difficult. We fax
the Tribe
a copy of whatever the person is claiming and ask "Is this true?" Then
we post the Tribal contact number so other reporters can do their own
verifications. We're
not talking rocket surgery here folks
If anyone
has a problem with the information we receive from
a Tribe, they need to TAKE IT UP WITH THAT TRIBAL OFFICE!!
there has been some kind of mistake...someone is using an assumed name,
etc. ... we will gladly re-contact the Tribal authorities in question.
If there is ever a change in what the official representative
of the
Treaty Tribe tells us, we will post any corrections RIGHT HERE!
don't ask to see enrollment cards or paperwork...because we have no
idea what we are looking at! There are approx 500 real Treaty
and they all issue different ID's to their citizens. Considering
what can be created on a computer these days, how could any average non
Indian possibly tell what's authentic and what isn't without calling
and asking the real
Indians? We just want to hear
"Yes" or "No" directly from an official contact
within the
Federally Recognized Tribe the Public Figure claims to be a member of.
the person is in fact, an enrolled member of a Federally Recognized
Tribe, we
will say so.....in bold print.... and take down anything else about
that individual. What a member of a Treaty Tribe wants to do
their own culture is between them and their Tribe. If someone
doesn't like what a Federally Recognized Tribal member is
doing...please go take it up with their
Nation, not a bunch of white folks.
far, we have not had one single enrolled member of a Federally
Recognized Indian Nation object to our verification process.
Quite the opposite in fact. Those we have
contacted appreciate the effort 'cause they are sick and
tired of people exploiting their Tribe's name.
are TOO MANY FRAUDS running around raping Indian culture not to check
out the public claims being made in promotional literature.
If an enrolled Tribal member is teaching or performing
under an assumed name, it is on them to let their own Tribe know.
the current "fraud" to "enrolled" ratio, we don't think this is too
much to ask of anyone who wishs to trade upon their credentials in the
Anglo world of commercialism. Hopefully more and
more event
producers will validate a Presenter's claims of Tribal
enrollment BEFORE hiring them!
are our policies and principles.
If you don't like them, feel
free to go create your own website and make up your own rules